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传媒学termpaper:如何利用社交媒體用於招聘行业 [4]

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论文字数:2814论文编号:org201710251057581394语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



sources by following their successes and avoiding the failures. (威胁以及如何取长补短,潜在竞争威胁为细分市场版本的linkedin,将会提供更专业的信息,解决方法自身快速积累用户和数据,尝试细分版本的linkedin)
The potential competition is the subdivision version of LinkedIn, such as LikedIn in education industry, LinkedIn is medical industry. Since the market is divided into small and special industry, the data and the information will be more detail and accurate, and can provide more value to the user in that segment market. Since now LinkedIn is still a comprehensive professional website, and there are few competitors now, this kind of potential threat is not shown well. To avoid this kind of potential threat, it is better for LinkedIn to accumulate more and more users now and in the near future. Since the more data you have the more value you can provide, if LinkedIn has a lot of members, it will be quite hard for the other competitor to achieve that scale. Also, LinkedIn can try to make segment version of LinkedIn itself.

i. State why this plan will succeed. (成功原因:高端社交、信息真实、严格的信息分享机制,后台的数据处理能力和创新的数据分析产品)
In the front end, LinkedIn is real name, high-end and limited sharing. As LinkedIn believes that professional brand is much more important than the professional profile, and the brand value is from the other’s recommendation and evaluation. Thus, LinkedIn is a real name and high-end social network. Beside, LinkedIn is to recruit and to be recruited, thus the users will provide real, accurate and useful information, this guarantee the quality of the information of the website. What’s more, the website has strict mechanism to make sure the interaction among the users to make sure the value of the information. 

In the after end, LinkedIn has a strong ability to deal with the huge amount of data. For example, it can provide the graduates to track their alumni’s career path to help them to find their first job and plan their career path. LinkedIn also provides a relationship map to let the users know all the connections they have to help them find better opportunities. Those kinds of data analysis abilities and innovated analysis product guarantee the success of the website.

j. Identify possible causes of operational failure and what to do to minimize. (运营失败可能的原因:用户隐私及用户信息的使用,解决方法找到信息挖掘的收入和信息暴露程度的平衡点)
The possible cause of operational failure is the privacy of the members. Like all the social network websites, LinkedIn stores a lot of private information of the users. The website may want to use the information of the users to make money, however, the more information they use, the better the function can be fulfilled or the accurate the advertisement can be put. That may cause the user’s attention or dislike. To minimize this kind of risk, LinkedIn has to figure out the balance point of the revenue from the user’s information and the exposure degree of the user’s information.

k. Expected per transaction revenue derived from the service as well the 5-year projection of sales. (预测每笔交易收入及5年后收入)
In 2014, the revenue of LinkedIn is 2218 million dollars, and the number of the members of LinkedIn is 347 million. The revenue per use is about 6.4 dollars. With the fast growth of the users and the development of data analysis ability Linked will provide more value to the users. Consider LinkedIn as a headhunter, the average revenue of per transaction can be $10 thousand if LinkedIn helps to recruit a senior manager. And 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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