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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-01-12编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:5076

论文字数:4616论文编号:org201601081456515151语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



Review Of Generation Technological Firms

在当代背景下,技术公司已经创建了一个利基市场。与其他传统的公司,这些公司正在不同地操作。因为在当今时代中,技术起着重要的作用,公司中,我和我的小组成员决定去研究动态公司(RIM)。1984年迈克·拉扎里迪斯和道格拉斯Fregin Research In Motion成立,此后一直操作着。为什么选择这个公司的原因是在过去的几年里,它有着快速地增长,并且是目前世界上增长最快的公司。RIM公司的组织专注于制造业、设计和营销全球无线战略市场。RIM为产品和服务等提供了解决方案,通过电话,电子邮件,短信,和互联网等方式。这个公司的成功和效率一直有明显地增加。RIM发起产品之一是设备和BlackBerry公司的解决方案。BlackBerry公司所提供的产品和服务是一个手持型产品,可以增强软件和工具的有效性。



In today's generation technological firms have created a niche in the market. Unlike other traditional firms, these firms are operating differently. Since technology is given so much importance in today's era, the company that my group member and I decided to research is, Research in Motion (RIM). In 1984 Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin founded Research in Motion and have been operating ever since (Insightory, 2009). The reason why this particular company was chosen is because in the last few years it has grown at a rapid rate and currently they are the fastest growing company in the world. The organization of RIM focuses on manufacturing, designing, and marketing their wireless strategies to the global wireless market. RIM provided solutions for the products and services such as; phone, email, text messages, and Internet (Insightory, 2009). The success and efficiency of this firm has been profoundly on an increase. One of the products launched by RIM was the device and solution of BlackBerry. The product and services offered by BlackBerry is a handheld product with enhanced software and tools.

The management strategies and system used by RIM have been effective over the years. The company has adopted and implemented the goals from the Balanced Scorecard in order to ensure efficiency. By introducing products such as, BlackBerry, RIM has revolutionized the wireless world in terms of how individuals communicate and interact virtually. Along side with smart technologies and wireless solutions, the company has ensured its success because it has company's goals that cater its employees as well as, customers. In combining the needs and wants of the consumers and employees the success of the company is reflected in their financial statements.

The financial statements are the most important documents for businesses and companies all around the world. They tell us the essence of a company as to how well it is doing and what the worth of a firm is. RIM has very interesting numbers if we look into the financial statements (income statement and balance sheet). Income statement, which is also called a profit and loss statement, shows the revenues from business operations, and expenses of operating the business over a period of time. This information is crucial for the managers in the company as they can see through the performance of the firm. Not only managers but stakeholders and investors can gain a lot of information from this statement and assess accordingly as to how the firm is operating.

We now will be looking into the income statement for RIM and will be comparing it for the past five years as to how it has performed. ? The论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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