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地区政治经济贸易Geopolitics Economic Trade

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-03-29编辑:cinq点击率:4233

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201403291320573962语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Political Philosophystate PoliticalPolitical Geography


地区政治经济贸易 GeoPolitics Economic Trade

Geopolitics is a connotation coming from a combination of English words-Geography and politics. In essence it implies the study of politics, history, social set ups and geography of a particular region, country and even at international levels. Therefore geopolitics is a close scrutiny of the importance of geography, politics and the geo-economics of a particular society. It can also be said to be closely related to political ideologies of nations, for example, the capitalist state of affairs in Kenya compared to the socio-capitalism of Uganda and socialism of Tanzania. Brennan. M. K (2005).
This last case is supported by the fact that in peaceful nations the effects of such ideologies does not prevail over economic activities such as trade, trade routes, transport and other cross border activities because nations are physically close to one anothers.The effects of geopolitics has however had its influence on political ideas and culture differences of nations involved. Literally, the simply implies the link between politics and the geography of the political arena. Granta Ball.T. (1993). So far we have not given a conclusive definition of geopolitics.
Oyvind Osterud (1988), in his book, the Uses and Abuses of Geopolitics he defined it conventionally as an underlying interconnection and cosmetic interlocks flanked by political and geographic space; by and large it is often viewed as an axiom of thought that takes a stab at unambiguous premeditated recommendations based on the comparative significance of territorial supremacy as well as maritime dominancy in the world history. The geopolitical convention had some concerns, as the geopolitical similarities of autonomy in world politics, the classification of transnational core regions, as well as the relationships between naval and terrestrial capabilities. Granta Ball.T. (1993).
Geopolitics can also be looked at as a branch of human geography dealing with study of the effect of spatial uneven results in political development and the way in which geography affects politics. In this case scholars of geopolitics will be dealing with political geography. Political geography for convenience is structured in three ways involving the study of one’s nation, locations and international relations {geopolitics}.In essence this sub division involves the relationship of the people their country within a certain territory. Armand C. G., J. (1973).
We now turn and focus on a brief history of geopolitics. During the days of ancient civilization nations were related to each other in terms of military superiority. The emperors and kings concentrated more on building military basis. Therefore the results of this military basis were meant to suppress nations, territories and kingdoms. This indicates that there was a closer relationship between nations, territories and states. Military activities helped kingdoms to expand into neighboring territories which were later legitimized, as was the case of the expansion of the German Third Reich in 1932. Geopolitics developed well during the advent of the Second World War and the cold war. During this period nations were preoccupied with who controlled a large territory.
This is exemplified the famous Heartland which was the land covering Eastern Europe and Western Russia and was claimed tha论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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