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business project:Process of Study (navigation) [22]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2011-01-11编辑:anterran点击率:32614

论文字数:10988论文编号:org201101111200038563语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 66

关键词:business managementbusiness projectProcess of Study(navigation)

deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. These methods were covered in tutorials.
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Other Important Documents
Change Control  Change control is method for implementing only changes that are worth pursuing, and for preventing unnecessary or overly costly changes from derailing the project. Change control is essentially an agreement between the project team and the managers that are responsible for decision-making on the project to evaluate the impact of a change before implementing it. Many changes that initially sound like good ideas will get thrown out once the true cost of the change is known. The potential benefit of the change is written down, and the project manager works with the team to estimate the potential impact that the change will have on the project. This gives the organization all of the information necessary to do a real cost-benefit analysis. If the benefit of the change is worth the cost, the project manager updates the plan to reflect the new estimates.
Technical Approach  The managerial and technical methodologies of implementing the project should be specified.  The managerial approach may relate to project organisation, communication network, approval hierarchy, responsibility, and accountability.  The technical approach may relate to company experience on previous projects and currently available technology.
Policies and Procedures Development of a project policy involves specifying the general guidelines for carrying out tasks within the project.  Project procedure involves specifying the detailed method for implementing a given policy relative to the tasks needed to achieve the project goal. (calls for a Project Procedure Manual)
Contractual Requirements The portion of the project plan should outline reporting requirements, communication links, customer specifications, performance specifications, deadlines, review process, project deliverables, delivery schedules, internal and external contacts, data security, policies and procedures.  This section should be as detailed as practically possible
Resource Requirements Project resources, budget, and costs are to be documented in this section of the project plan.  Capital requirements should be specified by tasks. Resources may include personnel, equipment, and information.  Special personnel skills, hiring, and training should be explained.  Personnel requirements should be aligned with schedule requirements so as to ensure their availability when needed.  Budget size and source should be presented.  The basis for estimating budget requirements should be justified, and the cost allocation and monitoring approach should be shown.
Performance Measures Measures of evaluating project progress should be developed.  The measures may be based on standard practices or customised needs. The method of monitoring, collecting, and analysing the measures should also be specified.  Corrective actions for specific undesirable events should be outlined. 



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