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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-08-22编辑:yangcheng点击率:2705

论文字数:814论文编号:org201308220939574330语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




This is not only participating in the construction project market behavior of the parties, on-site behavior, project management, site safety and quality aspects have carried out detailed provisions, but also on quality supervision departments also carried out detailed provisions. A sound legal system through feasibility studies, engineering design drawings, participating in the construction enterprise qualification, personnel qualifications, quality and engineering entity participating units the main responsibility for the implementation of quality and other aspects of supervision. The introduction of these laws on the regulation of activities to strengthen the building, maintenance, construction market order to ensure the quality of construction, and promote the healthy development of the construction industry to provide a legal guarantee. Enable the Government to seriously implement the law must be strictly enforced, and violators are prosecuted for supervision and law enforcement functions. Other hand, the law enforcement team relatively intact. Mainly: First, the field of functional departments in charge of the professional law enforcement duties; government to hire a full-time law enforcement personnel responsible for enforcement; government departments and law enforcement teams simultaneously allied law enforcement. From the staff, to achieve the project quality and meticulous management. Finally on the one hand, and constantly improve the scientific way of law enforcement. In the way of law enforcement, countries mainly reflected a unified, scientific, convenient and efficient principle, determined by law enforcement agencies have the qualifications disease standardize law enforcement. In the enforcement process, scientifically formulated way of law enforcement, according to the different objects, choose different ways and means to ensure the effective enforcement of the science, although national law enforcement agencies, personnel vary, but law enforcement officers are able to follow a different law enforcement responsibilities. Sound legal system construction market is according to law, strengthen the construction project quality management necessary means and measures, intervention and management of the construction market is the core content, through oversight body to continuously enhance the quality of participating in the construction, legal awareness, and promote quality of the project continues to increase.


First, the mandatory insurance system. Government departments require all construction units involved (including construction, construction, design, material suppliers and other units) compulsory insurance and guarantee system works. All units before construction, to be guaranteed in accordance with their job content to be insured with the insurance company, the insurance covers the quality of design drawings, engineering, physical quality, on-site use of quality materials and components, fittings until after the completion and acceptance of quality warranty and other content, security companies and insurance companies in accordance with the contents of the contract bear their own content. Through a full range of engineering insurance, and guarantees that the whole life cycle of constructio论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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