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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-06编辑:yangcheng点击率:3141

论文字数:1200论文编号:org201309052325064208语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




The traditional enterprise asset management , the majority of business-to- business equipment asset management is mainly dependent on artificial means , heavy workload and inefficient , prone to asset ownership is unknown, inventory too long, and even lead to financial sector can not understand the business equipment the dynamic changes of information assets , the management is unable to provide accurate decision-making equipment asset information. Re- purchase some units , light management , the lack of a sound internal control system did not develop a complete catalog and equipment assets for equipment asset classification numbers, can not reflect in detail the sources of various equipment assets , acceptance , location , responsible units and persons related content, is not conducive to the effective monitoring and equipment asset management . The solution to these problems lies in the key enterprise asset management, information technology , enterprise vertical management system , to develop and transparency flattening development . Capital equipment management system for the company's specific business development, specific business asset management and report generation module -based, enterprise management to provide accurate and timely information about equipment assets , improve its value , so that timely acquisition, timely depreciation timely maintenance. This is for the enterprises in the information technology plays a vital role and significance.


The device is now increasingly focusing on the management of assets , they passed information and build a sound management system, unified for enterprise asset management , thus improving the ability to resist risks . Sequential reads ensure that you have the latest device status , which can be made within the shortest possible time for an effective decision-making . They fixed the original enterprise asset management presence of various defects , especially for private long-term occupation of public equipment control devices to circumvent the traditional asset management accounts that appear unclear, early retirement , advance purchase and other issues. Through technology and scientific management , greatly improve work efficiency, increase efficiency , reduce costs and help enterprises to improve their competitiveness and management level.


Here the main technique for system development were analyzed briefly enterprise asset management system used by the techniques, tools , and its simple introduction and analysis . Chapter III database technology, introduce enterprise asset management system used by the database technology and its structure. Chapter IV systems analysis, including feasibility analysis, system analysis and functional analysis of the operating environment and so on. Chapter V system design, module specific development . Chapter VI system functions and implementation, module function implementation. Chapter VII of the system testing. Chapter VIII conclusion summarizes the work done throughout this paper , as well as in the paper to get harvest.
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