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Health Needs of the Chinese in Shropshire County and Telford & Wrekin [4]

论文作者:Lucy Tran论文属性:报告 Report登出时间:2009-12-11编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:52731

论文字数:30000论文编号:org200912112226167577语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

附件:From Health Needs of the Chinese in Shropshire County and Telford & Wrekin.pdf

关键词:Health Needs of the Chinese in Shropshire County and Telford & Wrekin

on 30th June 1997 also led to
further migration of Hong Kong Chinese to Britain while recent years
have witnessed a rapid increase in the number of Mainland Chinese,
especially from the Fujian province, seeking economic freedom in
2.2. Population characteristics
In 1991, the National Population Census recorded ethnicity for the first time and put the
figure for ethnic Chinese in Britain at 164,667 (ethnic group data were not collected on the
Northern Ireland Census). By 2001, this figure had climbed to 247,403, making ethnic
Chinese the 6th largest non-white minority ethnic group in the UK and forming 0.4% of the
total population. However, these figures are likely to be underestimates as the Census would
not have included those who were illiterate, those who were in the process of applying for
asylum or irregular migrants. Indeed, the most recent mid-year population estimates by the
Office for National Statistics suggest that the number of ethnic Chinese in England stood at
284,600 in 2003. With estimated populations of 227,500 in 2001 and 258,600 in 2002, the
Chinese community was the fastest growing ethnic minority group in England with an
average annual growth rate of 11.9%. However, in absolute terms, the rises in Black African,
Other White and Indian groups made the largest contributions to growth. The growth in the
Chinese population is largely attributable to net international in-migration. Chinese
community representatives believe that this growth is being led by students, with an
estimated 90,000 Mainland Chinese students studying in the UK, and economic migrants
from Mainland China1. In 2001, students represented nearly a third of the Chinese
population in England & Wales and 18.7% of the population was aged 18-24. Estimates
suggest that as many as 80,000 work here illegally, with the pace of new arrivals largely
explaining why more than 60% of the population cannot speak fluent English2. China’s rapid
economic expansion is also predicted to have a sizeable impact on the UK Chinese
population and its dynamics in the near future.
Geographically, the Chinese population is the most dispersed ethnic minority group in the
UK. Although Chinese population density remains highest in the major urban areas, with
80,206 in London (Census 2001), there are significant numbers outside of these areas. This
pattern of settlement has come about largely through the movement of restaurateurs and
takeaway owners away from concentrations of Chinese people in order to reduce
competition, resulting in social isolation, especially amongst the elderly. The catering trade
remains the largest industry for Chinese people, although this is likely to change as second
and third generation UK-born Chinese assimilate into mainstream society, taking up different
roles. In the 2001 Census, there was approximately the same number of Chinese in
managerial and professional occupations as there were small employers and own account
workers (restaurant and takeaway owners; Appendix A: 3. NS-SeC). The number of ‘high
street’ Chinese medicine shops is also growing rapidly and fast becoming the second largest
industry for Chinese according to unofficial sources.
3. Chinese in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin
3.1. Shropshire County
Shropshire is a large, predominantly rural county with a relatively small population (287,900论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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