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英国大学留学essay about Malaysia cities

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-11-06编辑:lynn406点击率:2876

论文字数:1364论文编号:org201411052101142951语种:英语 English地区:马来西亚价格:免费论文








Petaling Jaya founded only in 1954 as Malaysia's first planned town and it has become a busy commercial and residential hub in its own right with over 450,000 inhabitants.

Addresses in PJ are remarkably bureaucratic. The town is divided into numbered sections, which to further confuse things are denoted with just S (eastern PJ), SS ( central and western), PJU (northern), and PJS (southern). The northern chunk is also known as Damansara.

Petaling Jaya is a satellite city of the federal territory Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is located in the Petaling district of Selangor. On 20 june 2006, Petaling Jaya was granted city status. The city council consists of populated appointed operatives of the federal government whereas originally, the municipality was composed of directly elected representatives.

PJ has been developed as the satellite city of KL in 1960's and it also has proven to be a popular choice with many business due to its strategic location between KL, the industrial area of Shah Alam and the Port City of Klang. Rental rates in PJ though traditionally lower than other parts of KL have become more competitive due to increasing demand and the completion of several new buildings offering modern designs and infrastructure

23% of the office workers travel less than 3km while 23% of the office workers reside so close to their offices. The fact that employees from households which own one or more cars are more likely to travel further than non-car owning households does not mean that private transport is actually used but it obviously increases the likelihood that the mode choice distributions discussed. Employees travelling from car-owning households may not be able to drive a car, or a vehicle may not be available for them to use, and public transport must then be substituted with negative consequences for the journey times of many of the employees affected.

Avoid peak hour congestion. In general, the car drivers can be expected to spend 10 minutes less travelling to the office in residential area compare to travel to the CBD by facing with the heavy traffic congestion in the central business area. Reducing the daily costs of commuting to office. The tendency to continue using public transport facilities is least well represented in pj which has the most dispersed pattern of office development.

Respondents are just likely to walk to their offices. Ability of respondents to drive a car also is one of the issue. Walking trips are also undertaken at levels above their overall share of the respondents, by local recruits and it seems likely that for the former group at least, the relocated offices have provided an opportunity to shorten and make easier and cheaper their journey to work. This actually is one of the method of travel as a way of lowering costs in a way which allows worker to obtain employment at the residential location.

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