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social studies:深圳与新加坡管理模式对比分析

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:报告 Report登出时间:2015-03-02编辑:Cinderella点击率:9180

论文字数:4013论文编号:org201502081036385027语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文





50年来深圳(中国)管理学之进化——The evolution management in the past 50 years in Shenzhen(China)






The objective for this report is to define and analysis the changes to the nature of work in Shenzhen and Singapore. First , it explains the major changes in the management approaches in Shenzhen for the last 50 years. And then, the third section and fourth section provide a detail analysis in the areas of Leadership, organization structure and work culture; and discussed the impact on the society, organizations and patterns of work. In section 5, it provides a comparative analysis between Shenzen and Singapore. Last , in section 6, it discusses and predicts the potential changes in Shenzhen and Singapore in the next ten years.


50年来深圳(中国)管理学之进化——The evolution management in the past 50 years in Shenzhen(China)


Shenzhen, The modern cityscape is the result of the vibrant economy made possible by rapid foreign investment since the institution of the policy of 'reform and opening' establishment of the special economic zone in the late 1979, More than thirty years ago, Shenzhen just was a small fishing village called Baoan County. In 1979, it was renamed Shenzhen City.  Both Chinese and foreign nationals have invested a huge amounts of money in the Shenzhen special economic zone. Over US$30 billion in foreign investment has gone into both foreign-owned and joint ventures, at first mainly in manufacturing but more recently in the service industries as well. Shenzhen is now considered one of the fastest-growing cities in the world.


Shenzhen is located in the southern portion of the Guangdong province. On the eastern shore of the Pearl River Delta. Neighboring the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, Shenzhen's location gives it a geographical advantage for economic development. Shenzhen was singled out to be the first of the five Special Economic Zones (SEZ). It was formally established in 1979 due to its proximity to Hong Kong. The SEZ was created to be an experimental论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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