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Social Policy Essays-新政政策

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-01-02编辑:dou1901点击率:5831

论文字数:1759论文编号:org201511231211075725语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文

关键词:New Deal Policy贫济法福利


Social Policy Essays-新政政策



Social Policy Essays - New Deal Policy

工党的新政政策是一个战略,帮助很多人去获得职业的技能和找到工作-Labour's New Deal policy is a strategy to assist many people to obtain vocational skills and find employment.

Following an overview of British Welfare Ideology history, the specific attributes of the New Deal policy will be critically reviewed with illustration of how the policy typifies New Labour Welfare Ideology.
A. Welfare Ideologies of the Past - A brief overview.
(a) The Elizabethan Poor Law
The legal relief of poverty was first introduced after the demise of compulsory charity that followed the reformation. There were initial parish registers of the poor in 1552 and compulsory fund raising, through to 1601 with the advent of the Elizabethan Poor Law (43 Eliz I Cap. 2). This law oversaw the levying of taxes for the distribution of money and food to the poor but there was a heavy emphasis on hierarchy and charity as the premise for relief. The notion of a long term solution would have affected the fabric of social distinction, and as class was integral to the ideology of the time, long term solutions for the poor beyond 'handouts' were never conceived of. Despite this, the system was humane as the homeless and infirm were provided with 'indoor relief' in custom built accommodations and the 'outdoor relief' was made available to those in their own homes. This ideology continued throughout a number of adaptations to the act, which included the Settlement Act 1662, the Gilbert's Act 1782 and the Speenhamland System of 1795.
(b) From 1834 to the Welfare State - a changing Britain
The Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 introduced a centralised system of administration of funds and benefits for the poor, and, more notoriously, the workhouse. It was the ideology of the new law that no relief would be made available to those not living inside these workhouses (Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, XXVI). However, the face of Britain was changing and more and more reforms were being brought in to improve the state of public health and Education. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Liberal Democrats had set in motion the foundations of the modern welfare state with new laws that were outside the poor law. These included free school meals under the Education Act 1907 and the National Insurance Act 1911. Piecemeal external poor law Acts, designed to deal with specific issues, eventually led to the outright abolition of the Poor Law in 1948 with the National Assistance Act. The concept for this law was for the state to assist all needy UK nationals from the 'Cradle to the Grave' but the sheer cost implications and the rise in numbers of the long term unemployed meant that the New Labour Government of 1997 was faced w论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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