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有关质量管理留学论文 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2015-03-08编辑:Cinderella点击率:19736

论文字数:4925论文编号:org201503041534312102语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Quality managementleadership质量管理



Creating and Maintaining A Healthy Organizational Culture

Leader's influence plays an important role in an organizational culture. But in organizations with a strong set of culture it may be the culture controlling the leader. This can result in unfavorable end if the culture becomes unhealthy. These driving forces may include for example, 'union behavior.' (Shivers-Blackwell, 2006, p. 1) It's important that the leader does not end up being controlled by the existing organizational culture.


Relationships Between Leadership And Organizational Culture

From (Rug man and Hogget's, 2000) point of view Organizational culture is which individual benefit to clarify knowledge and to create a social attitude. This is accord by group of individual associate, community, or assembly. Benefit and belief are being created through culture that gives an appearance to an individual and as well as in clump action. Culture can be learned through both erudition and exposure. Culture is transferable which can come off from one genesis to other, so it is endless. At the same time cultures constantly undergo change as people adapt to new environments.


This perspective model showing the main affair among leaders along with the organizational culture. 'Functionalism perspective' is one of the initial of those. The basically reflection of functionalism perspective reveals that 'a firm culture be based on a firm leader or a firm leader can establish a firm culture. Leaders hold appraisal and can create control over the firm by their actions or agreement.' (Zhang, Tsui, Wang, Xin, n.d., p.5). So it can be said that functionalism perspective is believed that the leaders, who are in the top positions, have all the power in managing and changing an organization culture. There are numerous factors and the leader must know how to manage them.


Second one is the 'attribution perspective.' With the attribution perspective theorists 'argue that the role of leadership is in the mind of the followers, who attribute a person the ability to lead and consider him/her to be the leader.' (Zhang, Tsui, Wang, Xin, n.d., p.6) this idea of the attribution perspective gives very less of importance to the personal actions of the leader.


Third perspective is the 'contingency perspective.' The contingency perspective 'suggests that it is the situation that makes the hero, allowing the leader to influence the organization in various domains, including performance and culture.' (Zhang, Tsui, Wang, Xin, n.d., p.7) .So the leader is needed more in difficult situations requires leadership, while the remaining time the organization runs as usually.



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