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Recommendation Form – Boston University [2]

论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:推荐信 Recommendation Letter登出时间:2008-02-01编辑:点击率:11297

论文字数:500论文编号:org200802011640021998语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文


lease include specific examples. The applicant is responsible and meticulous at work. His attention to details and quality is beyond our expectations. He is able to mingle with people of various personalities and dig their strengths so as to build a best team. His knowledge in finance and funding needs to improve in my opinion. A master degree 3. Please comment on the applicant’s achievements, motivation, and potential for achievement in the MBA or MSIM program and for long-term success in a managerial career. The applicant has learned about warehouse construction carefully which he was not familiar with during our initial cooperation and became an expert in this area and gave us many valuable recommendations in the end. The aspiration of knowledge and the desire to seek for career development have been the major motivations of his life. He is smart, studious and willing to listen to people’s advice, with these qualities, I believe he will do a good job in the MBA program and meet his goals for a success in managerial career. 4. Describe a specific project that the applicant led or in which the applicant played an important role. What were his or her contributions? Was the project successful? Please comment on the applicant’s ability to work as part of a project team. We once worked together for Golden Hong Ye Co. Ltd (located in Su Zhou Industrial Park) to build a 200,000 ㎡ logistics park, a joint project by our company with his. He has played a major role in this project as he was involved in the process of warehouse design, financial budget analysis, and logistics solution design as well as warehouse construction. In this project, he discovered many details we missed in our financial budget analysis which highly improved the accuracy of budget analysis. He also helped to improve the relationship between our two parties and led his team to fulfill their work ahead of schedule with high quality which was praised many times by the client. That project was a great success. The applicant is a joyful team member who contributes to the final completion of the whole project. 5. How would you assess the applicant’s oral and written proficiency in English, if English is not his or her native language? The applicant is not a native speaker of English, yet he had ever passed Graduate Candidate Test for the Logistics Management master program in Tongji University, which indicates that he has a good command of written English. Apart from this, the applicant has been in communication with many foreign clients at work. I am sure he will have no difficulty in English with his abilities. Referee 3 – Dr. Yan Shiyi 1. How long and under what circumstances have you known the applicant? I have known the applicant for four years since he joined Round-The-World Logistics Co. Ltd in 2003. I was the general manager at that time. His self-confidence and problem-solving abilities left a deep impression on me. I came to know him at a meeting: there was something wrong with the projector; he volunteered to fix the problem. I still remember the confident look on his face. 2. Compared to others in a similar capacity, how would you assess the applicant’s talents and strengths? How would you assess his or her weaknesses, and in what ways can he or she improve? Please include specific examples. The applicant is proactive and self-confident. He is also a good communicator with nice presentation skills. When we started our new company,论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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