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英语论文范文Questionnaire survey

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-05-05编辑:cinq点击率:2983

论文字数:12300论文编号:org201305031134414636语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



      Questionnaire Survey could be considered as the best research strategy to determine the attitudes of a large number group with the least time required (Saunders et. al., 2009). Since the aims of this research is to determine the supplier management of Wal-Mart towards China market, in order to determine the effectiveness and the current implementation of supplier management strategies of Wal-Mart, it should firstly consider the suppliers’ attitudes towards the strategies and implementations, thus questionnaire has also been considered as the primary data collection method in this research. Questionnaire is taken on the suppliers of Wal-Mart in China also in some major market in accordance with the interviewed cities. Due to the business privacy issues, Wal-mart China could not offer the supplier list for research (especially for some of the well-maintained suppliers), thehttps://www.51lunwen.org/englishpaper/ re are given list of 20 suppliers of each city, which author are using their questionnaire survey results to determine their attitudes towards the current supplier management of Wal-Mart in China. On the other hand, the questionnaire survey form is also sent to the 52 supplier management officers from Wal-Mart Shanghai sourcing department, in order to collect the comprehensive overview of the entire supplier management for Wal-mart China.  

      Secondary data collection
      Journals, reports, market performance, related news, company statements which related to the supplier management in China especially for Wal-Mart are considered as the main secondary resource; and those resource could help to identify the challenges Wal-Mart might meet in their supplier management in China considering the cross cultural differences and the environmental change; also, the effectiveness of current supplier management of Wal-Mart in China market is considering the secondary data, combine with the questionnaires on their suppliers to give details analysis and discussion


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