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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-05-05编辑:wangjinjin点击率:4601

论文字数:959论文编号:org201505051259392291语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文







Personal Perspective on Learning 

The University has provided several resources to help facilitate my learning experience and attain my goal of completing my MBA. There are three key elements to the MBA program that are used to assist and educate the student in this learning environment. Each of these elements is uniquely designed to promote proactive thinking. The rEsource area provides online access for research, tutoring and writing services, the learning teams are used to build team-building skills and the problem-based learning format is used to encourage creative thinking. I believe that rEsource will be the most valuable resource throughout my degree program, due to the many services it provides. 

The Value of rEsource 

The main reason that I feel that rEsource will be valuable to me in attaining MBA is due to the many services it provides. Without question the Center for Writing Excellence will be essential to my success in this program. There is an automated program called Writepoint, this program is able to proofread my papers at any time of day at my convenience. There is also the Tutor Review that offers the same service, however, it is a manual process so it has a slower turnaround. Another service found in the Center for Writing Excellence is Tutorial and Guides section. I have already found this section to useful in giving me guidance on how to write this paper. 

Considering that an online program consists of a lot of research the University Library is a very vital component of rEsource. The University Library consists of a variety of databases and research engines directly related to the programs that the University of Phoenix offers. The beauty of this program is that you have access to research any thing you need to learn about your topic at your convenience. 

Another asset of rEsource is the eBook collection. This is an area of rEsource that I haven't been able to fully explore but that I know will probably be vital in my professional development as I pursue this degree. The eBook collection offers access 24x7 to various books on different topics for self-improvement and/or career development. The value of rEsource is the many tools that are available for improving old skills and learning new skills. 

学习小组的价值——The Value of Learning Teams 

The value of Learning teams is learning to work effectively with other individuals. Teamwork has become the cornerstone of the workplace. The concept of the super trooper has given way to rewards of a super t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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