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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2022-01-16编辑:vicky点击率:3249

论文字数:52522论文编号:org202201041833426808语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




1    Introduction 

1.1    Introduction to the Text

The report is excerpted from a book called Mandarin Loanwords. The author of this book is Tae Eun Kim, a female linguist and an assistant professor at the Institute of  Language  and  Information,  Yonsei  University,  Seoul,  South  Korea.  Her professional  and  life  experience  made  her  have  a  strong  interest  in  language.  As  a linguistics  work,  Mandarin  Loanwords  belongs  to  informative  text  (Reiss,  1977, p.105-115).  This  requires  that  the  author  must  not  be  biased  in  his  writing, subjectively conceived, and must be realistically based on objective reality. The book is divided into six chapters, focusing on Mandarin loanwords. The translation practice report  selects  the  first  and  fifth  chapters  to  introduce  the  development  history  of Chinese  loanwords  and  five  factors  influencing  Chinese  loanwords.  As  a  carrier  of culture,  language  is  used  to  convey  information  and  inherit  civilization.  When different  national  cultures  communicate  and  collide,  they  will  always  leave  deep marks in the language, and the most prominent such marks are foreign words. This is also a very fascinating research topic. 

1.2    Reasons for Choosing the Text

First of all, English-based Mandarin loanwords are commonly used in Chinese people’s  daily  life.  The  purpose  of  the  report  is  to  provide  some  references  for language-lovers  and  learners  to  understand  Mandarin  loanwords.  Mandarin Loanwords  demonstrate  how  English  phonemes  map  into  Mandarin  phonemes through  Mandarin  loanwords  adaptation.  Through  the  analysis,  it  is  proven  that  the functions  of  phonology  and  phonetics  play  a  significant  role  in  Mandarin  loanword adaption,  however,  the  functions  of  other  factors,  such  as  semantic  functions  of Chinese characters and English orthography, are also discussed. 

Secondly, from the perspective of text typology, the text is an informative text designed to convey information to readers. In the writing process, through examples, column  charts,  etc.,  in  chronological  and  logical  order,  clearly  show  the  reader  a marvelous  number  of  Mandarin  loanwords论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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