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关联翻译理论视角下The Spirent2021 5G Report汉译实践报告

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-01-12编辑:vicky点击率:653

论文字数:36522论文编号:org202301051944358080语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是一篇英语论文范文,本翻译实践报告在关联翻译理论视角下,分析了5G科普类文本的汉译。笔者选取了思博伦通信公司的The Spirent 2021 5G Report作为源文本,对该文本进行翻译实践,将翻译过程中遇到的具体问题作为分析对象。


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Task Description

The Spirent 2021 5G Report gives a comprehensive description of the status quo of the 5Gecosystem globally.It also gives a reasonable prediction of the development of how operatorsupgrade to 5G SA with the help of the new 5G core and demonstrates how 5G will drive variousnew business growth and cooperation in the field.The source text contains eight parts,namely,finding the way to 5G’s future,it’s up,up and away for 5G,top 10 trends shaping 5G’s future,device and radio testing,test,assurance and automation,cloud and transport testing,5G’s journey tomaturity,safely accelerate the journey to 5G.According to the source text,the 5G journey ismultifaceted and multidimensional.It will require patience and perseverance.Above all,it willdemand persistence and commitment.We see this every day from industry participants around theworld.Today,our belief in 5G’s promise and the ability to realize it has never been greater.The report is not yet available in Chinese.It contains roughly 10,000 words.


The target readersof the report are Chinese network operators and network facility vendors of 5G field.Under theguidance of relevance translation theory,the author aims to translate the report into Chinese anddiscuss the translation techniques of telecommunication texts by providing typical translationexamples.

1.2 Questions and Significance

Each translation task gets the author nearer to perfection in English-Chinese translation.In thetranslation of The Spirent 2021 5G Report,the author probes into the following questions:

How relevance translation theory can be applied to the translation of this popular science text?

What translation methods or techniques can be employed in this text?

In the technological world,every significant development in mobile communications broughtabout a new generation of networks,each better than before.5G has become the focus of global operators.Compared with 4G,it promises more incredible transmission speed,lower latency,increased connectivity,and efficient business processes.The world welcomes 5G,yet 5G is still inits infancy.While,China,with several tech giants leading the pioneering work,hit the bottleneck ofkeeping the initiative of 5G standard construction and industrialization,vertical industryconvergence research,and the construction of information security systems.As 5G research andinnovative work grows by leaps and bounds,timely translation of 5G-related materials is necessary,especially those released by leading business operators and technological innovation centers.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Introduction to Relevance Translation Theory

Formally proposed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson in their co-authored book Relevance:Communication and Cognition in 1986,relevance theory holds that“to communicate is to implythat the information communicated is relevant”(Sperber&Wilson,1986:6-7)and that relevance isachieved through“ostensive-inferential communication”(Sperber&Wilson,1986:163).

Relevancetheory is the further development of Grice’s(1978)maxim of manner.Relevance translation theory is the application论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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