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Proposal Guidance Note for SBIT Proposals [3]

论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:作业指导 assignment guidelines登出时间:2009-11-18编辑:anne点击率:34901

论文字数:论文编号:org200911181618082746语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Proposal Guidance NoteSBIT ProposalsProblem SettingERP etcStrategic decisions

in, saying the problem is the name of the topic area, saying the problem is the same as the solution, saying the problem is finding out how to do something, offering a problem that cannot lead to deployment of Strategic Business IT, there is no IT learning involved, saying the problem is how to make a decision and finally saying the problem is that something is missing.
Strategic Business IT
Every SBIT project must have an outcome that when used by an actor brings about change in the problem setting by means of a strategic deployment of IT assets. One needs to be careful not to interpreted this too narrowly so it may be expressed by any of the following means with regard to a decision to deploy IT assets: a new use, a better use, a different use, a more secure use, improved performance, improved utilization, system acceptance, improved efficiency, cost allocation of system resources, improved system stability, reduction in risk, improved return on investment, better alignment with business needs, expected business gains, improved take up, improved quality etc.
Strategic decisions are thought of in four areas: values, issues, strengths and aims and the changes brought about by the sorts of IT deployment mentioned above should fall into one or more of these four categories and imply a decision with a relatively long time scale.
In simple terms suppose there is an ‘issue’; then a company has to decide whether to deal with it or not. That issue might be regarded as strategic if it requires expenditure and its resolution has a long term benefit. It is also possible to regard something as strategic if its resolution is systemically desirable; meaning that its resolution benefits ‘spill’ over into several aspects of company business.
Common Errors – there is only one serious error here and that is to miss the point that what we are looking for is the deployment of IT resources BASED on what MSc project outcome is involved. For example, students will often say such things as the company ERP system is strategic deployment because their study is related to that. But to do that is to miss the point that we are looking to see what strategic IT deployment implication there is for their particular MSc project outcome as it relates to their presenting problem within the ERP system.
Examples - these are actual student submissions and as you can see one elects to use the headings and the other just writes in a free way; either is acceptable as longs the four components are all present.

Example 1
Problem Setting: Despite all the technologies, a survey conducted by The Royal Blind Society (RBS) of NSW in 1966 found that, out of 116 legally blind persons, only 16% used a computer at home.
Topic area: There are assistive solutions for blind and partially blind people. Some of the technologies that are used today include screen magnifiers, screen readers, Self voicing, speech recognition and screen reader.
Presenting Problem: Lack of awareness of IT to the blind people
Strategic IT Deployment: Assist individuals in developing a positive attitude about blindness by providing opportunities to access wide variety of materials.
Tutor Review – this is a social setting but one might be sceptical as the statistics quoted look absurdly small. The topic area is not all that clear but it’s obviously in the usability area with a focus on the disadvantaged. I would accept this presenting problem if there were some supp论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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