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Serendipity Management in the Strategic Process

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-10-09编辑:tinkle点击率:3555

论文字数:2246论文编号:org201210092058349265语种:英语 English地区:芬兰价格:$ 22

关键词:Serendipity ManagementStrategic ProcessStrategic

摘要:芬兰普通大学战略管理课程作业:Serendipity Management in the Strategic Process,由英语论文之留学生团队策划并提供。

论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Assignment
补充要求和说明:“Case Portfolio”的课程作业,一般的作业。2000-2500字,没有其他特别要求。附件里有课程的PPT和例文供参考。任选一个公司做project,此文是project的report。

Serendipity Management in the Strategic Process

1. Introduction

The Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Inc., which is one of the largest hotel enterprises in the world, under its nine owned brands, it operates, manages and owns residences, resorts, hotels and spas ownership properties. The company launched “The Heavenly Bed” in 1999, which was considered as the starting of its strategic management process of the projects. “The https://www.51lunwen.org/strategy/ Heavenly Bed” has made a transformation of the bed from a basic feature into a basic wish of luxury. Dobson, Starkey and Richards(2004) mentioned in their book The Strategic Management that, by the time of June in 2004,  the Westin Hotel had sold 2000 pillows and 3500 bed combos. The unanticipated success had spawned a new business for the Starwood. In addition, Kitty Bean Yancey commented at one of the travel news in the USA Today in 2009, “The Heavenly Bed” lifted up the Westin’s image when disclosed in 1999 and aroused a lot of chains in the U.S.. It also banished those floral coverlets, gorgeous pillows and bed accessories. The success of the Westin Heavenly Bed is largely attributed to the strategic process adopted by the company.”

As we can see from the case, the strategic management may be one of the key factors impact on the one’s business success. In the following parts, there will be a brief introduction of the serendipity management, which is one aspect of the strategic management, together with the specific steps or solutions the Starwood has taken in the management process. Then, I will draw a conclusion to the company’s achievement by employing the method of SWOT analysis.

2. Content Description and Analysis

2.1 Serendipity Management
2.2 The Strategic Process or Serendipity Mmanagement Process Developed by Starwood
3. Used Method

3.1 SWOT Analysis
3.2. Application of SWOT Analysis to the Case Study: the Starwood

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the management process for an organization is not a simple thing. The significant role the strategic management play in the development of the organizations decides that the managers and the high-level superintendents have to consider the process in the deliberateness. The consideration of serendipity of managers may be valuable, as it has mentioned above. The management process may be programmed; however, it is necessary to comply that discovery of the serendipities are non-programmed in certain cases. Therefore, to stimulate the imagination of serendipitist is useful. As the case of Starwood suggested, the SWOT analysis is necessary for the reorganization of the whole business environment which can help the managers to formulate a effective strategic plan, nevertheless, together with the serendipity management, the company may achieve a more bigger progress, because the business environment is dynamic and sometimes, the future can not be predicted precisely.


5. Self-reflection

6. Reference

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