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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-03-06编辑:hynh1021点击率:6213

论文字数:21300论文编号:org201303061317466304语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



1. Background and Rationale for the Study 研究背景和方向

1.1 Introduction引言
With the popularity of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), people start recognizing that the social responsibility within corporations is not only related to charity, donations and public marketing. The CSR is not a beautiful brochure about the sustainable development report which is yearly edited and printed, but that implies the respect of human right,https://www.51lunwen.org/strategy/  health care, environmental protection, safety of products, compliance with laws and regulatory taxpaying. In addition, CSR ought to be included in the core business of the company (RECENDE, 2012).
People even recognize that business is not an isolated unit; it is one part of supply and purchase chain. To think about the whole process of a product, it begins with the raw material collection to the end products. The product will be processed, transported, packaged probably through several companies, interMediary businesses, even several countries to the end user. Each link in the whole Supply Chain influences each other no matter if that happens during the production line or during the marketing (commercialization) processes. All the parts are interconnected and belong to the same strategy of company social responsibility. The case of “Apple”, one supplier of Apple were exposed that used the material contains hazardous elements,  made clear that it is not enough only to manage or operate well within the business, but also needs to expand the influence into its supply chain, even up to the last users (consumers).
Corresponding to the broader definition of CSR, global brands such as Nike, Apple and McDonalds are often under stressful pressures from responsible supply chain management. Utmost of these pressures are channelled through the supply chain, since the pressure groups sometimes realized that it is challenging to reach the global brands directly. To this end, they count on indirect strategies such as targeting the sourcing and purchasing activities of these brands and their target issues associated to exploitation of cheap labour conditions in developing countries. Those attacks are rather successful in recent years, and hacked on the reputation of those large companies.
As one of the globalization effects, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important theme around the world. Hundt (2006) indicated that companies are confronted with this theme from various angles: corporate responsibility is taking up more and more space in the press and consumer organizations increasingly demand information about production conditions and routes to market. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and trade unions deal with the companies’ requests and demands regarding their commitment with the society. Lastly, politicians have also discovered that CSR represents a challenge in the domain the policy-making at international level and for international organizations, for instance the European Commission. This last, for instance, has been trying to regulate and standardize CSR procedures.

1.2 CSR and Supply Chain企业社会责任和供应链
Brands and suppliers have very delicate relationship. The CSR performance of supplier should be the internal management and has nothing to do with the purchaser. But on the other hand, if there were problems with suppliers, the negative effects from public will be happened on the brand itself. Since 1990s, the investors, Media and NGOs 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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