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On the one hand western development requires a lot of talent but on the other western provinces widespread human capital contribution rate, huge loss of talent issue. Through a number of national poverty counties in the western survey found that the causes of poverty in these areas , in addition to harsh natural conditions, such as cold and humid , drought , but even more important is that these places low educational level of workers , ideas conservative , low labor skills .


According to the survey , the western provinces have about 1 /3 of the scientific and technical personnel can not be fully effective. West is also the potential of human capital play a lack of incentives mechanism . Special economic zones in coastal areas and relatively favorable living and working conditions , attracted a lot of talent directly to coastal areas , and these talents are often in short supply in the western region much-needed talent and business backbone.


Western development should make full use of its natural resources. But personnel issues are not resolved, the western countries and other regions to more investment and development resources , it may be less effective. In the knowledge economy has contemporary horizon , with the rapid development of science and technology , material resources in economic development, the role of the relative weakening of the human resources and intellectual capital contribution to economic growth rate increasing.

Today's world, a country or region with its level of economic development level and the abundance of natural resources, there is no significant correlation. For example , natural resource -rich Africa is economically backward areas ; contrast , Japan, Israel and other developed countries and the region's natural resources are very poor. This is commonly referred to as "rich burn poverty " and " poor rich ." The difference is that the former has the material factors of production , which is owned by human factors of production . AP Sur Val development economists have said, to promote technological progress is one of the main factors in human capital. In the knowledge economy era, between countries , between regions compete in the final analysis the comprehensive strength of science and technology competition , talent competition, human capital importance for economic development has been confirmed by the practice . Therefore, in the western development we must develop an environment conducive to the development of natural resources tax policy , but also to develop an environment conducive to human resource development tax policy. Investment in human capital is a government body can also be a personal , human capital investment performance for the government expenditure on education . Developed areas of economic strength , wide sources , expenditure on education is also relatively large . The tax base of the western region more plaque and needy, not short-term education funding rapid growth , so the taxes to promote investment in human capital should be an individual human cap论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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