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理论与实践相结合 [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2016-05-09编辑:lily点击率:19474

论文字数:5052论文编号:org201605061444159001语种:中文 Chinese地区:瑞典价格:免费论文



d that an atmosphere of trust, warmth, empathic understanding and role playing (Ohlsen, 1973) would ensue. If I was facilitating this group today, I would have one meeting place and integrate with integrity (Worsley, 2004) ''...a therapeutic pluralism in which effective interventions are drawn from several different therapy approaches'' (Yalom, 2002 p.xv). I felt that the group library meetings were rushed with a sense of intrusion caused by ambient conversations. The meetings invariably ran-over the allotted three hour times (Douglas, 1976). My own ethics embrace those that (Glassman & Kates, 1990 pp.21-23) suggest:

''...values the individual, foster responsibility for others, supports and enhances social and mental health...have a right to take part...a right to freedom of speech...differences among members are enriching to one another...a right to freedom of choice...a right to question and challenge...''.

The group did not have an affiliation to either the psychodynamic (Jaques, 1991) or behavioural (Ohlsen, Horne and Lawe, 1988) models as the therapeutic model associated with the group (Sharry, 2001) was Rogers' (1957) person-centred. The proposal for the group included what Corey (1987 p.78) suggests to be: ''...[a] rationale...a clear and convincing rationale...objectives...specific, measurable and attainable...practical considerations...meeting time, frequency of meetings and duration of the group...procedures...to meet the stated objective...evaluation...strategies for evaluating...''. One of the group objectives was to conceptualise a commonality of teamwork behaviours, to delineate the diverse behavioural processes such as communication, coordination, and cooperation (Hoegl & Gemuenden, 2001) and it was also hoped that this: ''...would offer members a chance to remedy [the] climate in which to learn'' (Benjamin, 1978) as well as to probe and explore feelings, be challenging to other members whilst monitoring power related and task-related behaviour of the group. Douglas (2001) describes how the use of power can be overdone and the resulting scene being set for domination by the leader. I sensed a greater awareness of group issues and bodily messages (Rosenbaum & Snadowsky, 1976) amongst: ''...co-workers and administrators'' (Corey, 1987 p.78).

'Pre-group issues (Corey, 2000 p.86) were discussed by the leaders during the potential member and group proposal meeting and members were also asked ''Is the leader a member of the group?'' (Benjamin, 1978 p.94). ''Ground rules...sanctions...conformity...newcomers...consensual issues...'' (Douglas, 1991 pp.88-89) were all discussed by the group. A process called 'setting a contract' (Hartford, 1971) was then made to explicit the aims and dominant purpose of the group. Vernelle (1994 p.86) suggests: ''A contract is an agreement between members and organisers which spells out mutual expectations about the group''. In research undertaken by Fagan (as cited by Douglas 1976 p.59) ''...the contract can be seen as a method of neutralizing threats explicit or implicit toward the group leader by members of the group''. An effective way of neutralizing these threats is to initially undertake a clear contract (Fagan as cited by Douglas, 1976). One member wanted to exit from the group (Corey & Corey, 1987) and it would seem that the co-leader's role as 'aggressor' (Barker et al. 1979) became more intense as he pressured the member to rem论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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