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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-12-15编辑:anterran点击率:16017

论文字数:14526论文编号:org201012151211482773语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Information visualizationknowledge visualizationknowledge managementvisualization technique

tion respectively knowledge) and supports only a limited spectrum of applications. There are several criteria with complex interdependencies that determine whether a visualization technique is suitable for a specific knowledge task. Furthermore, it is often not well-defined which visualization should be applied. Knowledge managers are familiar with knowledge management techniques like knowledge maps, concept maps, yellow pages and many more, but they are often not familiar with visualization tools. They should be able to determine an adequate visualization technique easily – without having to perform complicated and time consuming analysis.
In this paper an approach to knowledge visualization will be presented that helps knowledge managers to identify an appropriate visualization technique that supplies their visualization needs. A decision matrix is proposed that associates knowledge management tasks to suitable visualization techniques. To evaluate the suitability of visualization techniques a set of evaluation criteria is introduced.
Section 2 gives a brief introduction to approaches on structuring the research domain of knowledge visualization as a new discipline of information visualization. Section 3 presents an overview of the entire mapping process. In section 4 the two major phases of the mapping process and criteria for evaluating visualization techniques are presented. In section 5 the two previous phases are combined to a single decision matrix. The paper is concluded in section 6 by an outlook on ongoing research.
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2. Systematic Approaches to Knowledge Visualization
Since knowledge visualization is an emerging discipline only a few systematic and theory building approaches to this entire new field of study exist. Among these approaches the works by Eppler and Burkhard ([6], [9], [10]) are highly relevant with reference to this paper since they examine knowledge and information visualization from a business knowledge management perspective. Their aim is to develop a conceptual framework that enables practitioners to better use and apply visual representations of knowledge [6]. Thus, they discuss several types of knowledge visualization and their applications and develop a theoretical framework and a model for knowledge visualization [9].
The Knowledge Visualization Framework by Eppler and Burkhard consists of five perspectives that need to be considered when creating visual representations that aim to create and transfer knowledge: a knowledge type perspective (What type of content is visualized?), a visualization goal perspective (Why should the knowledge be visualized?), a target group perspective (Who are the recipients?), a situation perspective (In which context should it be visualized?), and a format perspective (How can the knowledge be presented?) ([10]; previous work in [6], [9]).
Figure 1: The Knowledge Visualization Framework by Eppler and Burkhard [10]
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