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An investigation on the perception of individuals on the retirement plan over the accumulation and consolidation phases of life cycle model. [2]

论文作者:留学生论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-01-21编辑:tinkle点击率:14000

论文字数:29127论文编号:org201201212035433361语种:英语 English地区:瑞典价格:$ 22

关键词:AsiaEuropeaccumulationconsolidation phasespension systems

摘要:This dissertation is to investigate perception of individuals in both Asia and Europe on retirement plan over first two phases of the lifecycle model, the accumulation and consolidation phases.

Null Hypothesis (H0) vs. Alternate Hypothesis (H1) 49
III.3. Research design and data collection 53
III.3.1. Questionnaire 53
III.3.2. Population and sample 53
III.3.3. Questionnaire layout 54
III.3.4. Type of questions 56
III.4. Data analysis 56
III.5. Validity and reliability 58
IV. Results 60
IV.1. Demographic factor 60
Gender 60
Age 61
Martial status 62
Nationality 62
Education level 63
Occupation 63
Income level 64
IV.2. Results 65
IV.2.1. Results on pension system knowledge 65
General retirement plan 65
Knowledge level on pension systems 70
IV.2.2. Results on the factors influencing the perception of individuals upon their retirement plan 85
Perception on investment strategy for retirement plan 85
Perception on the factors influencing the choice of portfolio 86
Perception on the choice of allocation based on the lifecycle model 99
The individual risk aversion and asset allocation for their portfolio 104
V.1. Pension systems 107
General perception on pension system 107
Knowledge on Government pension 107
Knowledge on Employer-related pension system 109
Knowledge on Private pension system 110
V.2. Factor influencing the asset allocation 111
Significance of factors’ influence on the asset allocation 111
Desired age for retirement and asset allocation 112
Occupation and asset allocation 113
Martial status and asset allocation 116
Education and asset allocation 118
Lifecycle phases and asset allocation 119
Labor income risk and asset allocation 120
Financial capital and asset allocation 121
V.3. Risk aversion and composition of portfolio 122
V.3.1. Risk aversion 122
V.3.2. Risk aversion versus choice of portfolio 123
V.3.3. Hypotheses discussion 127
V.4. Recommendation on the retirement plan 129
V.4.1. Knowledge on pension systems 129
V.4.2. Factors influencing the choice of portfolio 129
V.4.3. Risk aversion and asset allocation 130
 The research is carried out in order to examine the perception that individuals https://www.51lunwen.org/InternationalMonetaryEconomics/2011/0720/1530315729.html  have on the retirement plan. It will focus on three main objectives. The first objective is to find out whether individuals have knowledge on three main pension systems including government, employer-related and private pension systems. Moreover, in this objective, the differences in level of knowledge on pension system among demographic groups are also investigated. The second objective focuses on the influence of each non-financial and financial factor on the choice of assets for their portfolio. The last objective is to identify and examine the individual risk aversion and their corresponding preferred composition of portfolio.

The researcher chooses positivism as the philosophy for the research. Based on the theory in literature review, certain hypotheses would be developed to 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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