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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2021-03-17编辑:vicky点击率:2826

论文字数:35212论文编号:org202103111020553011语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44




Chapter One Project Overview

1.1 Background and Schedule

Victoria is the first overseas sister state of Jiangsu province. The mutual exchangeshave formed multi-level cooperation among governments, chambers of commerce andenterprises over the years. Since 2014, the federation of industry and commerce of Jiangsuprovince has established a friendly chamber of commerce with the federation of industryand commerce of Victoria and launched the Victorian Jiangsu Business Placement Program.The sixth program in 2019 was held in Jiangsu between May 10 and 17, 2017. A series ofmatchmaking conferences were held in Jiangsu.

The reporter undertook task to bridge the communication between both theentrepreneurs. In this project, Ivory Robin is the operation manager of the One PaperIndustries, Robert Scott is the market development manager of the One Paper Industries,and Wang Fuqing is the general manager of Xinhua Daily Media Group.

The project started on May 11, 2019 and ended on May 17, 2019. The first period wasfrom May 11th to May 12th, Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerceprovided a two-day course for Australian entrepreneurs to help them understand China'srelated industrial policies. The second stage was from May 13 to May 17. The reporter ledAustralian entrepreneurs to visit several well-known domestic companies to discusscooperation. The reporter provided conference interpretation for Chinese and foreignbusiness representatives. Here is the schedule of the project.

Table 1: The Schedule of the Interpreting Project


1.2 Preparations and Responsibilities

A good preparation before the program is an integral part of the success ofinterpreting. Two months before the program, the project leader called the interpreters ofeach group to a meeting, during which the corresponding companies were assigned and thepreliminary preparation plan was made. Before the start of the project, the reporter firstsorted out the information of the company, contacted the person in charge of the Chinesecompany, and determined the time and place for the negotiation. What’s more, the productinformation of both parties was translated and sent to each other. Above all preparationhelped him have a picture of how this program was operated. To know more about thepaper-making, he downloaded a great number of documents to be familiar with therelevant background knowledge. Based on the materials provided by the program leaderand the information searched for by himself, he made a glossary of some terms (seeAppendixⅠ) that was possible to be used in his job.

In addition to those substantive preparation, face-to-face communication enabled thereporter to understand well so that the later negotiation process would be smoother.Therefore, during the opening ceremony of VJBP, the reporter proactively reached out tothe Australian entrepreneurs. On the clients’ side, the time, place and content of anymeeting can be notified to the Australian entrepreneurs in advance to facilitate thepreparation of relevant materials. Besides, understanding the clients’ specific needs wouldbe beneficial to enhance the efficiency of the negotiation论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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