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《八角场气田新增天然气探明储量报告》汉英翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-08-13编辑:vicky点击率:3305

论文字数:76505论文编号:org202108062326081128语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



n project,the team leader has established a chat group on the application Cuckoo (the Chinesename of “布谷鸟”) for facilitating the translators to unify the translation of terms withhigh frequency. Sometimes, she will also notify the translators the translation of termsin advance. The establishment of the term table is finished when the translation workis done because the glossaries have been upgrading during the whole translationprocess. The term table covers 121 glossaries which frequently occur in thetranslation project and the term base table can be seen as foows.

Table 2-2 Term Base

Table 2-2 Term Base


Chapter Three Translation Difficulties and Solutions..............................19

3.1 Differences Between Chinese and English Complex Sentences.....................19

3.2 Translation Difficulties of Chinese Complex Sentence into English..............20

Chapter Four Translation Evaluations and Suggestions.............................65

4.1 Company Feedback and Self-evaluation..............................65

4.2 Suggestions for MTI Students...........................................66


Chapter Four Translation Evaluations andSuggestions

4.1 Company Feedback and Self-evaluation

Upon the submission of the translation project, the translator has receivedfeedback both from the team leader and the Linguist Translation Services in Chengdu.

In general, the team leader Wang Shuang speaks highly of the translator’sperformance. She observes that the translator has earnest attitude and has finished thetranslation task not only in the scheduled time but also with relatively good quality. Inaddition, Mrs. Wang affirms the translator’s good English language proficiency andtranslation skills. In the meantime, Mrs. Wang also points out some drawbacks of thetranslation such as the grammatical mistakes that should be avoided during theprocess of self-proofreading and some syntactical errors and unidiomatic expressionsdue to the translator’s lack of looking up enough parallel text.

Besides the team leader, the Linguist Translation Services has also given afeedback to the translator. Generally speaking, the company has given positiveevaluation to the translator’s conscientious attitude and high sense of responsibilityshown in her translation.



This paper is a translation report based on the C-E translation task entitledIncreased Natural Gas Proved Reserves of Bajiaochang (BJC) Gasfield, which isentrusted by the PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company and the LinguistServices in Chengdu is in charge of the C-E translation task.

In this project, the author has found that since Chinese emphasizes on parataxiswhile English focuses on hypotaxis, translating Chinese long complex sentences intoEnglish is most difficult to handle with. Exactly speaking, the translation difficultyexists in how to translate the five kinds of C论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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