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翻译转换理论指导下《跨文化语用研究:请求与道歉》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2022-07-19编辑:vicky点击率:1140

论文字数:72966论文编号:org202207161102137578语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



source text”(Popovic,1970,p.79).He believed that differences betweenoriginal text and target text not only attribute to linguistic differences,but alsoattribute to the discourse structure,personal language characteristics and somecultural factors.From this point,Popovic broke the limitation of focusing on linguisticlevel,and paid attention on factors beyond language itself.This attempt provided newways for later translation shifts studies.

Chapter Three Case Analysis...........................15

3.1 Category Shifts..................................15

3.1.1 Class Shifts.........................................15

3.1.2 Structure Shifts.............................19


Major Findings...............................35

Limitations and Suggestions........................37

Chapter Three Case Analysis

3.1 Category Shifts

As mentioned in chapter two,category shifts refer to changes of linguistic formsfrom the source text to the target text.In the following parts,the translator willdiscuss three shifts are employed in the translation process through analyzing severaltranslation examples.On account of English and Chinese belong to different languagefamilies,the intra-system shifts are rarely involved in this report.So the translator willmainly discuss the first three shifts.


3.1.1 Class Shifts

Class shifts belong to translation strategy at the level of lexis.It mainly refers toshifts of part of speech from one to another.There are great differences in morphological forms between English and Chinese.On account of abundantmorphological forms of English verbs,amounts of non-predicate verbs and gerundsexist in English,which made English become a“static”language.However,Chinesebelongs to non-inflectional language and the use of verb is more widely.Chineseverbs are not only used for predicates,but also used for subjects,objects andattributives.In view of differences between Chinese and English in verb use,it isessential for translator to shift the part of speech from English to Chinese so as tofulfill Chinese expression habit. Shifts of Nouns

The use of English finite verbs is limited by strict subject-predicate relations.Most English simple sentences or clauses only have one predicate verb.One of thereasons of less verbs in English is that those verbs could be nominalized and make astatic language.Numerous nominalized structures were used in the source text tomake the source text concise and precise.In the E-C translation process,thesenominalized structures should be translated their corresponding verbal meanings,which means translator need to get rid of nominalization and produce a dynamictarget language so as to highlight dynamic effect of the source text.


Major Findings

Translating is a process that conveys the information from source text to targettext.Translator plays a vital role in this process.English and Chinese belong todifferent language family and there are numerous differences in many aspects,such asgrammar,tense,voice and sentence structure.These linguistic differences madetrans论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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