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概念语法隐喻理论指导下社科文本中无灵主语句的翻译——以《气候经济学》第一至三章为例 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2022-09-22编辑:vicky点击率:906

论文字数:52222论文编号:org202209121502217729语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44



. These inanimate subject sentences do not exist in Chinese as formally identical expressions, thus posing some difficulties in the translation process. Thus, the translator has combined the theory of ideational grammatical metaphor and focused on thinking about translation strategies for these sentences. By classifying these sentences and adopting a corresponding translation approach, the translations are made more comprehensible to Chinese readers.

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework ............................. 7

3.1 The Ideational Grammatical Metaphor Theory in Systemic Functional Linguistics .... 7

3.2 The Ideational Grammatical Metaphor Theory Applied in Translation ........................ 9

3.3 Inanimate Subjects Sentences and their Translation ..................................................... 9

Chapter 4 Case Studies .......................... 13

4.1 Classification of Inanimate Subject Sentences ..................... 13

4.2 Shifts of Subjects .................................. 14

Chapter 5 Summary .............................. 23

5.1 Findings .............................. 23

5.2 Limitations .......................... 24

Chapter 4 Case Studies

4.1 Classification of Inanimate Subject Sentences

According to Halliday, we know that the same meaning can be expressed in different grammatical structures. We can divide it into two types: congruent mode and metaphorical mode. Halliday believes that an expression that is closer to the logic of real life is the congruent mode. In order to realize the conciseness and objectivity of social science texts, the inanimate subject sentences in the original texts are basically metaphorical mode. In this case, based on ideational grammatical metaphor theory, we divide inanimate subject sentences into the following three categories: “Impersonal Noun Subject Sentences”, “Sentences with Subject of Material Process”, and “There-be” Structure. 

The form of “impersonal noun subject sentences”, a typical metaphor, is very common in English expression. One of the typical cases is the use of time and place whose grammatical structures as the subject, and such structures are usually served as the circumstance. 

According to Halliday's systemic function theory, a metaphorical pattern is to treat the process as an object, and change the verb representing process into a noun as the subject, which is called nominalization. As Halliday said, nominalizing is the single most powerful resource for creating grammatical metaphor. (Halliday,2004) Nominalization can increase the density of information, reduce the number of sentences in the text, and achieve the effect of brevity by 'packing' the clauses and replacing the verb centered clauses with the nominalized structures. The nominalization of 'packaging' mentioned in this report is mainly divided into two types: attributive head structure and 'abstract noun + preposition' structure. Both of these structures originate from material processes, and their congruent ways contain verbs.


Chapter 5 Summary

5.1 Findings

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