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英语专业四级考试真题及答案 [4]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-09-28编辑:lisa点击率:33166

论文字数:500论文编号:org200909281545501397语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


will share his presidential power with Jospin 
B.    Jospin will share his prime ministerial power with Chirac 
C.    Jospin will become prime minister, and Chirac will remain 
D. Jospin will become prime minister, and Chirac will resign 

Part Ⅳ CLOZE  [15 MIN.] 
Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet. 
   The difference between a liquid and a gas is obvious ( 26 )        the conditions of temperature and pressure commonly found at the sur face of the Earth.  A liquid can be kept in an open container and ( 27  )  it to the level of a free surface. A gas forms no free surface but ( 28 )  to diffuse throughout the space available; it must  ( 29 ) be kept in a closed container, as ( 30 )a planet’s atmosphere.  The distinction was a prominent  feature of early theories ( 31 )the phases of matter. In the nineteenth century, for example, one theory maintained that a liquid could be “dissolved” in a vapor without losing its identity, and another  theory held that the two phases are ( 32 ) different kinds o f molecules(分子).  The theories now prevailing ( 33 ) a quit e different approach by emphasizing what liquids and gases have in common. They are both forms of matter that have no permanent structure, and they both flow ea sily. They are fluids.      

     The  ( 34 ) similarly of liquids and gases becomes clear ly apparent when the temperature and pressure are raised somewhat.( 35  ) a closed container partially filled with a liquid is heated.  The li quid expands or ( 36 ), becomes less dense; some of it evapor ates.( 37 ), the vapor above the liquid surface becomes dense r as the evaporated molecules are added to it. The combination of temperature an d pressure ( 38 ) the densities become equalis ( 3 9 )    the critical point. Above the critical point the liquid and the gas can no longer be ( 40 ); there is    a single, undifferentiated fluid phase of uniform density. 
26.   A.  in          B.  on C.  under       D.  beyond  
27.   A.  fills       B.  be filled     C.  filling      D.  to fill  
28.   A.  intends    B.  tends   C.  inclines     D.  contends  
29.   A.  however   B.  nevertheless   C.  so      D.  therefore  
30.  A.  in the event of               B.  in the case of C.  with a view to        D.  with reference to  
31.   A.  having described         B.  described C.  describing        D.  to have described  
32.   A.  made 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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