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Internet Customers [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-02编辑:lzm点击率:14571

论文字数:4357论文编号:org201406022046422397语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Internet Customers电子商务客户关系管理Customer RelationsNetwork Issues

摘要:Despite the potential benefits, careful planning is needed to ensure that issues such as customer relations and security are considered and managed effectively, if the full benefits are to be enjoyed.

l previously, it will be important to make sure that the information given by the sales team currently is somehow captured within the online sales process. This is particularly important where the sale requires bespoke or personalised advice. Ensuring that direct contact remains easy and efficient will be vital to Paisley Patterns, as it embarks on this new era.
Designing the online ‘shop front’ will be one of the most crucial tasks faced by the company, during this early stage. Crucially, all the relevant information must be readily accessible without being overbearing. Most people visiting a web site will be prepared to make up to three ‘clicks’ to find the information they are looking for; therefore, all information should be available within this level of accessibility.
Customer relations remain paramount for Paisley Patterns. As such, considerable effort should be made to ensure that the existing level of customer care is maintained or even improved. The volume of sales and the geographical location of customers will change with an online store; therefore, maintaining the ability to receive direct advice from the sales team or customer service team should be a priority.
Currently, most sales are made by the mobile sales force. As they have built up a rapport with their customers, the ‘per order’ value is likely to be quite high with plenty of value- added products and services included. By selling online, there is a danger that not all sales will be maximised and this is an issue that should be addressed in the design phase, with the assistance of the sales team.
What common issues do they come up against which either assist or negate their efforts to add value to an order? Deal with these issues throughout the online purchasing process by offering answers to common objections and suggesting options for adding suitable extra products or services.
Without the direct sales contact, there is of course a danger that sales will either not happen or will not be maximised. Every effort should therefore be made to ensure that this does not occur.
Customer Relations Management (or CRM) is the broad term given to the way that companies manage all aspects of their customer relationships. Until now, this has been a very traditional process within Paisley Patterns, relying heavily on personal relationships between the sales force and the customers. There is an obvious and imMediate threat that removing this contact will mean that some of the current customer base may be lost.
Ensuring that direct contact remains as easy as possible will be important for future profitability. For example, Paisley Patterns could have an online ‘web chat’ facility, where customers and potential customers are encouraged to enter into direct discussions with staff members. There should be clear information on how customers can contact individuals, ideally with a free phone number that is staffed, if not 24 hours a day, at least for extended hours.
Customer relations spans much further than merely keeping customers sufficiently satisfied that they decide to buy from a website. With online technology, Paisley Patterns is in the position that it can gain information regarding its customer base and the way that potential customers shop. Trends can be recorded and established to generate more sales, in th论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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