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论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-07-27编辑:yangcheng点击率:12626

论文字数:4450论文编号:org201407251030356519语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文






On the Differences between Chinese ‘Long’ Culture and Western ‘Dragon’ Culture and Their Translation
Thesis Statement: We had used to translate the Chinese ‘Long’ into English as ‘dragon’ that is the name of evil in western culture. The wrong translation, which caused many misunderstandings, should be rectified.
1. Introduction
1 .1 Backgrounds:
The wrong translation between Chinese ‘Long’ and Western ‘dragon’.
1.2: Purpose of the paper:
1.21: To compare the Chinese ‘Long’ with Western ‘dragon’ in culture.
1.22: To rectify the name of Chinese ‘Long’.
2. The differences between Chinese ‘Long’ and Western ‘dragon’
2.1 ‘Long’ in China
2.2 Dragon in Western countries
2.3 Comparison between ‘Long’ and ‘dragon
3. Some problems of translating into ‘long’
4. The right way of English translation of ‘Long’
4.1 Some theories in translation
4.2 One way of translation into long
4.3 Another way of translating into loong
5. Conclusion

Throughout history, Chinese people are proud of ‘long’, because in traditional significance, ’long’ has been symbolizing good luck and authority. Nevertheless, in the West, people believe that ‘dragon’ is a symbol of evil and monster.
From this, we can see that, ‘long’ and dragon are two entirely different creatures.  However, no matter in the English-Chinese translation or Chinese-English translation, we translate them into each other. This sort of translation ignores the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, is not responsible in the customary translation and causes the unnecessary misunderstandings in cultural exchange.So, how to translate Chinese character ‘long’ becomes a very serious and urgent problem that needs to be recovered.This article is intended from the differences between the Chinese ‘long’ culture and Western dragon culture, and from what should be focus attention in the translation to determine the English translation of ‘long’.
key words: cultural difference,’long’, loong , china long , translation
1.  Introduction :引言
There is a huge difference between Chinese ‘long’ culture and western ‘dragon’ culture. These two words, whether from the conceptual meaning or associational meaning are entire difference. Because people in each country are accustomed to be on the base of their own cultural perspective to think in their usual way, get the understanding of other countries. They ignore the different social backgrounds, religions, customs, ways of thinking etc. that lead to large discrepancies existed in the root of the causes. All sorts of these have produced between country and country that leads to the inevitable cultural misunderstandings. To论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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