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英国university of wolverhampton的mba2000字课程作业

论文作者:英国论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-06-28编辑:tinkle点击率:2570

论文字数:2239论文编号:org201206281530143412语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:mba英国作业Resource-based strategic view

摘要:英国university of wolverhampton的mba2000字课程作业。由英国论文之英国作业策划组提供。


英国university of wolverhampton的mba2000字课程作业。由英国论文代写之英国作业策划组提供。
您的学校背景:普通大学 university of wolverhampton
补充要求和说明:本论文是限时论文 要求是根据课件和案例回答老师提出的问题 老师的问题会在考试当日的早上提出 只有7个小时的时间完成论文 但是案例和课件已经提前告知 只是论文所需要回答的问题 是考试当天提出 因为是补考 所以很重要


Case study:


You are required to produce an assignment that addresses the following two questions:

1. This question relates to the case study on Kodak.

Evaluate the situation that Kodak finds itself facing, as identified in the case study, from the perspectives of the following theories: Resource-based View and Hierarchy & Bureaucracy theory.

2. This question relates to the case study on Dell.

Compare and contrast the ways in which the impact of Dell Inc on the personal computer industry would be assessed by Institutional theory and Evolutionary theory.

Question 1:
The central argument of "Resource-based strategic view" is that the source of competitive advantage (measured by the product on the market beyond the normal average earnings) is the strategic resources under the control of enterprise. The simple integration of the idea of resource-based theory is set up in accordance with the "resources - strategy - performance" framework of resource-based theory (Beard & Sumner, 2004). In the development process of resource-based theory, there are always two different ideas. One is to follow the tradition of strategic management, from the enterprise level (enterprises) for study, and this idea thinking has relatively small economic impact. Another idea is to emphasize the level of research from the market, that is, to put the company into the market to analyze corporate behavior.


List of References
Arnheiter, ED & Maleyeff, J 2005, ‘The integration of lean management and Six Sigma’, The TQM Magazine, vol.17, iss.1, pp.5-18.

Beard, JW & Sumner, M 2004, ‘Seeking strategic advantage in the post-net era: viewing ERP systems from the resource-based perspective’, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, vol.13, iss.2, pp.129-150.

Burke, WW 2010, ‘Organization change: Theory and practice’, Sage Publications, Inc.

Chou, DC, Tan, X & Yen, DC 2004, ‘Web technology and supply chain management’, Information Management & Computer Security, vol.12, iss.4, pp.338-349.

Dell, M 2005, ‘Direct from Dell: Strategies that revolutionized an industry’, Harper Paperbacks.

Duncan, NB 1998, ‘Beyond opportunism: a resource-based view of outsourcing risk’, Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference, vol.6, iss.6-9, pp.675-684.

Finney, RZ, Lueg, JE & Campbell, ND 2008, ‘Market pioneers, late movers, and the resource-based view (RBV): A conceptual model’, Journal of Business Research, vol.61, iss.9, pp.925-932.

Kapuscinski, R, Zhang, RQ, Carbonneau, P & Moore, R 2004, ‘Inventory decisions in Dell’s supply chain’, Interfaces, vol.34, no.3, pp.191-205.

Lambooy, J 2005, ‘Innovation and knowledge: theory and regional policy, Routledge.

Rander, R 1992, ‘Hierachy: the economics of managing’, Journal of Economic Literature, vol.XXX, pp.1382-1415.


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