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有关审计师责任的报告 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-03-05编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:12182

论文字数:4562论文编号:org201603011918022077语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:审计师liability of auditors欺诈检测


area of auditor liability to third parties was virtually reversed by the decision of the House of Lords in the Caparo Industries plc. vs Dickman & Others (1990) case. From Caparo case, it was held that three necessary tests must be done in order to determine whether a duty of care by auditor can be imposed. First, the foreseeability of the occurrence of damages due to the misstatement must exist. Secondly, a relationship of proximity must exist between auditor and the suing party. Lastly, it must be just and reasonable to put into effect the duty of care on the one party for the benefit of the other. Auditor will only be liable to the third parties if these three criteria have been fulfilled.

Since Caparo case, several cases involving alleged auditor's negligence have occurred and the UK courts continued to limit the auditor's liability to third party. In a nutshell, the Caparo decision has lessened the scope of auditor liability to third parties for negligent misstatements and cutting back the trend of extending the auditor liability to the unlimited class of investing public.

2.2美国(US)——2.2 United States (US)

In US, the issue of auditor's liability is determined by the state courts or state legislatures separately where different judicial reasoning are applied in different jurisdictions which results in various rules of law in different states.

Four different legal standards have evolved in different states of US to judge the auditor liability to third parties which include privity rule, near privity standard, restatement standard and lastly reasonable foreseeability standard. Different states will adopt different standard which will lead to a different result.

Until the mid 1980s, the trend of the auditor's liability in US still reflected a tendency toward widen scope of auditor liability to third parties. 1986 is the turning point of auditor's liability in the US when Illinois passed an accountant privity statute and since then a trend has emerged toward a more narrow scope of duty to third parties (Pacini, C., Hillison, W. & Sinason, D, 2000).

2.3总结——2.3 Summary

As a conclusion, the evidence supports a trend towards limiting auditor liability to third-party in both UK and US.

3.0审计责任的现状——3.0 Current Status of Auditors' Liability

3.1公共视角——3.1 Public Perspective

欺诈检测——Fraud detection

The extend of auditors' liability largely depends on the responsible that is borne by a particular auditor. However, the liability pressures enforced to auditor has been increasing in several countries. The current public perspective is that auditors are no longer merely responsible to provide true and fair view on financial statement, but also responsible of detecting fraud on the company operation (Reffett.A,2010). Auditor's negligence may as a result cause them to get involved in legal suits. A research has shown that the legal environment in five main countries, which include United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and USA, has examined the legal climate in relative to the auditor's liability because third parties in those countries are filling lawsuit 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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