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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-03-08编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:8619

论文字数:3157论文编号:org201603071904168581语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Differentiation Strategy成本优先

摘要:本文主要讲述了J Sainsbury Plc是桑斯博里超市有限公司的母公司,通常被称为塞恩斯伯里。此外,还提及了该公司中出现的战略营销管理知识。

Strategic Marketing Management


J Sainsbury Plc是桑斯博里超市有限公司的母公司,通常被称为塞恩斯伯里,英国的第三大连锁超市在英国超市行业的份额为16.3%。该组织还对房地产和银行业感兴趣。他们尤其关注新鲜食物,努力根据客户需求不断创新和改进产品。






J Sainsbury Plc is parent company of Sainsbury's Supermarket Ltd, commonly khown as Sainsbury, the third largest chain of supermarket in United Kingdom with the share of UK supermarket sector of 16.3%. The group also interested in property and banking. They particular focus on fresh food and strive to innovate continuously and improve product as per customer need.

Sainsbury was found in 1869 by john James Sainsbury and his wife Mary Ann in London, England and grew rapidly during the Victorian era. It grew to become the largest grocery retailer in 1922, in uk. Tesco become the market leader in 1995, and Asda became second largest in 2003, demoting Sainsbury into third place.

A quick look at Sainsbury's Profile:
?1882 - It started to sell own brand products.
?1898 - Sainsbury longest established supplier - Lloyd Maunder started supplying them with meat and poultry.
?1914 - Sainsbury started to recruit women to help with colleague shortages during the First World War.
?1944 - Sainsbury had labels on their cans to save paper and help the war effort.
?1946 - Sainsbury's first issue of colleague magazine, the Journal, arrived in store.
?1950 - Sainsbury's self service stores opened years before its competitors.
?1970 - Sainsbury introduced first bakeries, fresh fish counter, petrol stations and coffee shops into the stores.
?1975 - Its first Sava centres opened expanding the range to include non-food products.
?1989 - It introduced the first ever carrier bags made from recycled material.
?1991 - It encouraged the customers to reuse carrier bags. They also launched Penny Back scheme for charity.
?2005 - They launched Try something new today.

Sainsbury strives to deliver an ever improving quality shopping experience for the customer with the great products at reasonable prices. It aims to exceed customer expectations for healthy, safe fresh and tasty food, making their lives easier every day.

Five principles are at the core of Sainsbury's business:
?The best for food and health
?Sourcing with integrity
?Respect for our environment
?Making a positive difference to our community
?A great place to work.


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