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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-11-23编辑:cinq点击率:4203

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201611221644293541语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:免费论文




In the UK, pensions account for over 6% of gross domestic product. In many countries pension provision is under strain as a result of population ageing, with a growing number of pensioners relative to the working population. Using OECD data, this essay will provide an overview of the composition of government expenditures within the UK. It shall also analyse the pension sector with respect to efficiency and equity considerations.

Government expenditure is financed by taxes and government borrowing and is classified into three main types. These are government final consumption expenditure, general government expenditure and transfer payments. Looking at figure 1 it is clear that the function labelled social protection accounts for the largest portion of government expenditure. This function includes state provisions, jobseekers' allowance, income support and housing benefits. In 2009, £251.6 billion pounds was spent on social protection in the UK, representing 35% of total government expenditure that year. On average over the five-year period, environment protection received the least government expenditure as a sector, (£12.5billion) representing 1.97% of total expenditure.

Figure 2 uses data from table 2 and shows, with the exception of the function labelled economic affairs, each function of government expenditure to be relatively stable over the time period. Health, education, public order and safety, defence and recreation appear as almost straight lines on the graph, indicating no/minimal change as a percentage of total government expenditure throughout the time period. Interestingly there is an increase in the percentage of total government expenditure spent on economic affairs from £40.8 billion (6.6% of total government expenditure) in 2007 to £69.8 billion (10.2% of total government expenditure) in 2008. Economic affairs includes agriculture, mining and other industries, one could speculate that the observed change in expenditure could be the result of the UK government increasing expenditure in an attempt to protect its industries from the effects of the looming global financial crisis. Figure 2 also illustrates clearly that with the exception of social protection, each function accounts for less than 20% of total expenditure.

Equity considerations relate almost entirely to those pensions currently provided. It is optimal for consumers to smooth consumption over their lifetimes, however those with very low income may be unable to save whilst working; as a result they could delay retirement and work longer. The government has difficulty distinguishing between these individuals, and those who could afford to save, but instead chose to spend their income. To distinguish, the government could conduct a lifetime earnings test. However, this would be difficult in practise, and would not take into consideration wealth that has been inherited. This highlights the difficulty between trying to treat people fairly, according to their lifetime income, and trying to achieve an equitable outcome that would redistribute to the poor.

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