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英语新词汇的变化和发展 [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-21编辑:黄丽樱点击率:20883

论文字数:4349论文编号:org200904212244073375语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


the internet words as follows. Internet: It is the blending of International Net, is had another name called Internet. It came into being in 1969. The major service item of Internet are: The E-mail, Telnet, the inquiry service(Finger ), the file transfer (FTP ), the file server (Archive ), the forum of the news (Usenet ), the electronic billboard (BBS ), one group of groups (News Group ) of news, global network (World Wide Web) BBS: Bulletin Board System, it can be called either billboard system or electronic announcement board , it has another name called Public Access Message System, everyone can visit the information system publically. It is the electronic edition of an ordinary announcement , users can issue news through thebillboard , any user can read the news on the billboard , or send information to one specific person or a group of users. The billboard system is widely used for propagating information, it is swifter , and more effective than to use the mutual mailbox or the public postal system to send the information . E-mail: this is a kind of interactive service of utilizing Internet network to exchange the information of the characters, the whole world Internet users can send and receive the E-mail of each other . WWW: The simplification of World Wide Web, a global network , It is a information search tool based on hypertext way, with a kind of friendly information inquiry interface , it is most advanced Internet search tool and at the same time the most popular tool at present . HTTP: The simplification of Hyper Text Transmission Protocol . IP: IP Internet's agreement, or it can be called internet agreement. IE: Internet Explorer, Explorer means " the explorer ". We can use the internet English everyday , if we like all the words are created by us and now they are a part of our daily life . The world of internet is a wonderful world , it benefit our life and make our life colorful . Since the internet English has been created , our life has been changed greatly . No doubt that the internet helps us a lot . The internet English will develop with nonstop , so will society is develop with nonstop . The internet is the latest media, and it is the most promising media too, it will have bright prospects in the new century . The source of internet English are mainly from six methods . First , Internet was combined by the technology of computer and the communication technology. Compared with traditional medias , the information on internet has real and false .Generally speaking , everyone is equal on the net, no one can take away the choice of themselves . Second , the way of the internet spread the information is different from the traditional media . It usually use the number and symbol , so it seemed like the language used in the intelligence ageney , but the E-pals are glad to use the communicating way . These symbols and numbers reflected the variety and compatibility of Internet . Third is the widely usage of English . A lot of articles have been insert in some English words or sentences , and even some articles were written in English . Fourth , the internet English is very simple , and even it appears a certain false in grammar. But we still enjoy the expressing way of internet English . Fifth , the internet English uses a lot of rhetoric method . Sixth , the internet English is effected by some internet works . 3. Change of words The vocabulary is a basis unit of forming a sentence , usually 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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