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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-21编辑:lgg点击率:3887

论文字数:37620论文编号:org201308211530238790语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
在SLA词汇的重要性已经被广泛讨论研究。它声称,词汇是积木全部四种语言技能:阅读,听力,写作和口语。正如麦卡锡(1990)断言,没有不管如何学习者的语法和如何成功的L2的声音明显,在第二或外国语言沟通不能进行任何意义fiil方式无字来表达各种具体的含义。学习者也作为自己的主要任务,学习第二语言的词汇学习。这是一个司空见惯的现象的发现,在中国的许多学习者与他们参加英语词典,而不是一本语法书。在目前在中国的英语课堂教学,词汇教学的一般程序如下:(1)学生预习新单词的词汇表上读取磁带后,要尽量记住词汇的拼写(2)教师。详细的使用一些插图和例子的话解释(3)学生机械地背诵单词的话,重复阅读和写作。这个过程通常伴随着直译的话。The importance of vocabulary in SLA has been widely discussed by researchers. Itis claimed that vocabulary is the building block of all four language skills: reading,listening, writing and speaking. As McCarthy (1990) asserts, no matter how well thelearners' grammar is and how successfully the sounds of L2 are pronounced,communication in a second or foreign language cannot be conducted in any meaningfiilway without words to express various and specific meanings. Learners also takevocabulary learning as their main task in learning a second language. It is a commonplace phenomenon to find that many learners in China take an English dictionary withthem instead of a grammar book.In the present English classroom in China, the general procedures in teachingvocabulary are as follows:(1) Students preview the new words on the vocabulary list by reading after the tapeand try to remember the spelling of the vocabulary.(2) The teacher explains in detail about the usage of the words with someillustrations and examples.(3) Students memorize the words mechanically by reading and writing the wordsrepetitively. This process is usually accompanied by literal translation of the words.
这些过程显示,教师只教过的学生的英语单词和他们的中国现金等价物文本或阅读材料,学生只需要硬性记住那些新的英文单词,不使用拼音。词汇学习和教学中已投入了巨大的努力。自己的时间和精力,但结果并不令人满意。学生面临的主要困难是如何记住这么多的英语单词。大量学生抱怨说,英语是很难的原因,英语单词记忆花费太多时间的话可以很容易地从他们的大脑逃脱。他们中的大多数因而失去信心和对英语的兴趣。然而,这种情况并非中国独有。据报道,许多开始在英语国家的学习者都面临着同样的问题。These procedures show that teachers only taught students English words and theirChinese equivalents in texts or reading materials, and students were only required torigidly memorize those new English words, not using phonics. Great efforts have beenput in vocabulary learning and teaching. But the results are not satisfactory for their timeand energy. The main difficulty students are confronted are how to memorize so manyEnglish words. A large number of students complain that English is difficult for thereason that memorizing English words takes too much time while words can easilyescape from their brain. Most of them thus lose both confidence and interest in English.Nevertheless, this situation is not unique to China. Many beginning learners in Englishspeaking countries reportedly are facing the same issue.

1.2 Necessity for the Study
Reading comprehension teaching is the chief task in second language teaching inChina. But students in junior middle school today have great difficulty in reading. Thelack of vocabulary is one of the main reasons.Many new English learners with learning disabilities demonstrate difficulties withphonological awareness skills. They are lack of being trained in memorizing words bygrapheme-phoneme conversion and morpheme-analysis. Unlike Chinese characterswhich derive from hieroglyphics, English is a kind of alphabetic writing. Thecharacteristic of alphabets is that each alphabet has its written form to stand for theindividual sounds, or phonemes, which make up words when combined in certain orders.That's why phonics can facilitate words memorizing. A person has to know about thegra论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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