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叙事教学法指导下的高中英语词汇教学的行动研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-12-22编辑:lgg点击率:7143

论文字数:35896论文编号:org201712172130319795语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



narrative was applied to manysubjects, such as psychology, linguistics, pedagogy, and so on. Later, narrative wasintroduced to our country, and attracted many scholars’ attention.Educational narrative is a method that removes the literature narrative to the areaof education. Educational Narrative Research is to describe and reveal the meaningfuleducational phenomenon and events. Ding Gang regarded educational narrativeresearch as a method of qualitative research. Ding Gang (2008) stated “educationalnarrative is an effective way to express the educational experience, knowledge, andmeaning that people gain from education and life practice. Educational narrative is to inquiry and study how to explain educational experience and educational meaningaccurately.” The significance of educational narrative research is that it can promotepeople’s understanding to education through statement and provide a study context toteacher, students, and other readers.

Chapter 3 Methodology.......28
3.1 Research Questions............ 28
3.2 Subjects...... 28
3.3 Instruments ........ 29
Chapter 4 The First-roundAction Research.....32
4.1 Identifying Problems ......... 32
4.2 Making the Action Plan ..... 33
4.3 Implementing the Action Plan ........... 34
4.4 Reflection and Evaluation ......... 38
4.5 Summary...... 45
4.5.1 Major Achievement ......... 45
4.5.2 Major Problems ....... 45
Chapter 5 The Second-roundAction Research.........46
5.1 Identifying Problems ......... 46
5.2 Adjustment of the Action Plan........... 47
5.3 Implementing the Action Plan ........... 48
5.4 Reflection and Evaluation ......... 50
5.4.1 Analysis of the Result of Questionnaire Two .......... 51
5.4.2 Analysis of the Result of the Interview ........... 54
5.4.3 Analysis of the Result of the Test ............ 56
5.5 Summary............ 57

Chapter 5 The Second-roundAction Research

This chapter describes the second round action research, which containsidentifying the problems, making the action plan, implementing the action plan,reflection and evaluation, as well as a summary of achievement and existingproblems.

5.1 Identifying Problems

Based on the analysis of questionnaires, interviews, and tests in the first roundaction research, the researcher found that there still exist some problems on theapplication the Narrative Approach to vocabulary teaching, which needs adjusting inthe second round action research.First of all, students lack the background information of the whole unit, whichgoes against the principle of the Narrative Approach. The Narrative Approachadvocates that students should learn knowledge in a real context.Furthermore, teacher did not design various activities such as widening theoriginal stories, completing a fragmentary story, retelling the text between students,and role-play.Another problem is that the teacher just used Narrative Approach in thevocabulary learning. She did not make the foreign language learning as a whole part,and used Narrative Approach in different parts of the class, even letting the studentshave the consciousness to use this method in other subjects or even other fields oftheir daily life to help them improve.



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