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基于语料库的高中英语词汇教学的研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-12-27编辑:lgg点击率:11263

论文字数:38745论文编号:org201712202122401420语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



eacher Treatment..........39
3.4.1 Instructional Design of the Corpus-based Vocabulary Teaching..........39
3.4.2 Sa mples of Corpus-based Vocabulary Teaching.....43
3.5 Data Collection andAnalysis...........47
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ..........49
4.1 Results..........49
4.2 Discussion.... 55
Chapter 5 Conclusion............62
5.1 Major Findings......62
5.2 Pedagogical Implications........62
5.3 Limitations of the Study..........65
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research....66

Chapter 4 Resu lts and Discussion

In this chapte r, the author will pr esent the resu lts of the data analys is andprovide the discussion for the research quest ions. The results are the re sults of thepre-test and post-test, which are based on the SPSS 18. Moreover, the author will givesome thoughts about the research questions in the last part of this chapter.

4.1 Results

In this part, the author will present some tables of the test results, including thepre-test and post-test of two classes in the senior high school. In chapter three, it ismentioned that there are 43 stu dents respectively in the controlled class andexperimental class. The total points of the two tests are 100 points. In the followingsection, the author will use independent-sample test and paired sample test to analyzethe data of students’test results.According to the scores of the controlled class and experimental class, it can befound that the m ean scores of these clas ses are alm ost the sam e. Moreover, thestandard deviation of the CC and EC are 9.99186 and 10.45160, the difference are not so large. Therefore, according to the tabl e 4.1, it can be concluded that the Englishlevel of bo th CC and EC are almost sa me before the teach ing experiment, thedifference between them is not too large.



In this part , in order to make a response to the re search questions which arementioned in chapter one, the author would like to make a summary about what havebeen found out from this research. In additi on to these, this part will provide som eteaching implications for English teachers. Meanwhile, the author will also proposesome limitations about this study. Besides, the author will also propose som e usefulpieces of advice or some suggestions about further pedagogical studies in the last part.This study is aimed at discussing practical application of corpus-based languageteaching in senior hig h school. The au thor designed the teachin g experimentaccording to the Discovery Learning of Jerome Bruner and Data-Driven Learning ofTim Joins.Based on the data collection and analysis in last ch apter, the findingsindicate that the corpus-based vocabulary teaching is considered to be feasible andeffective for most of students to improve their vocabulary competence. And next partis the the main findings.First of all, corpus-based English vocabulary teaching has a positive effect on thevocabulary depth. Through the data analysis, students can master vocabulary meaningand collocations more effectively than before. The abundant language materials fromcorpora give students more authen tic examples to learn, the function of the corpuswhich based on the softwares of fer a new view for vocabulary teaching for allstudents. Through presenting the concordanc es in class which were chosen by the teach论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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