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制造工业和消费品包装管理随笔 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-05-02编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:9533

论文字数:1590论文编号:org201604292302294232语种:英语 English地区:香港价格:免费论文

关键词:制造工业Consumer Packaging全球竞争力


egment and had their own strategies and methods but Wal-Mart won the competition). This is proving that employees are driving force of the firm. Barney argues HR policies and practices and its performance as resource based view of the firm.

In 1995, Hartley found HR functions were highly decentralized and soiled functions. Managers and employees believed HR to be 'a strictly a back room operation'. Largest divisions had their own HR functions with separate system and processes. The decisions were made independently by each divisions and the moral of other divisions were affected by the appraisals gained by the other divisions. 'HR practices can certainly influence the movement of people. However, more importantly, the types of reward systems, culture, and other aspects of HRM influence the extent to which employees are willing to create, share, and apply knowledge internally' (Wright, Dunford & Snell, 2001). Hartley's focus was to reconfigure the HR system which 'enriches organizations value to customers, investors and employees' (Ulrich, 1998).

She used the standard HR system which aligns with business strategy. In order to achieve business strategy she intend to reconfigure the organization HR process which was ousted by the most employees. Bench marking was done with a committee in prior to set process.

Up on her arrival the mandate was to build more professional, business oriented HR group. To reach her objective she gave priority performance management, training and development and succession planning in term of future leaders (Sonoco case study p4).

Performance management is a process which contributes to the effective management of individual and teams in order to achieve high level of organizational performance (Armstrong & Baron). Performance management is a strategic process with broad issue and long term goals and integrated with various aspects of the organization. She integrated the HR divisions to participate in bench marking and decision making. 'Performance management and compensation were HR fundamentals that could design and introduce across the entire company fairly quickly' she explained (Sonoco case study p4). She realized main drive force is employees, to achieve objective. So firstly she considered the performance management to integrate with employees and other divisions. It's a process of centralization of HR system which was not active previously in Sonoco.

Her second strategy was to create employee development plan which was highly motivating factor to get high performance from employees that will lead to align with business goals which was financially benefit for the company.

Finally she intend to introduce succession planning in term of developing system which filling future management needs and process to develop talents for the organizational needs.

Apart from functional cost reduction DeLoach tasked Hartley two organizational structures for HR that could cost less and support three ambitious objectives which are (1) To increase GM's accountability for talent management; (2) to distribute HR talent and support more evenly across the company's divisions and make HR system and process consistent; and (3) to optimize HR's ability to provide customized, strategic support to the GM's business (Sonoco case study p1).

After one year of arrival, Hartley introduced performance management system. The syste论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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