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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-03编辑:lgg点击率:4821

论文字数:38120论文编号:org201308030955045305语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Orientation
查尔斯·菲尔莫尔的框架语义学,其中2另一种非常基本的概念都纳入的框架内,即原型和角度,这篇论文研究如何以构建帧词法,句法和文本层面上分别,然后把提出一个框架和基于话语的小学英语教学模式,并在年底采用了以教学设计示例演示了如何运用这个模型真正的小学英语课堂教学,目的是使小学英语教学的系统性整合词汇语法和文字转换成一个团结的整体,并最终实现更令人满意的教学成果。Within the framework of Charles Fillmore’s Frame semantics, in which twoanother very fundamental notions are incorporated, namely, prototype and perspective,this thesis studies how to construct frames on the lexical, syntactic and textual levelsrespectively, then puts forth a frame-and-discourse-based teaching model of primaryschool English, and in the end uses a sample instructional design in order todemonstrate how to apply this model to real primary school English class teaching,with an aim to make primary school English teaching more systemic by integratingvocabulary, syntax and text into a united whole and to eventually achieve a moresatisfying teaching outcome.

1.2 Research Rationale

1.2.1 The Importance of Learning English for Children
The fever to learn English in China has been increasing its intensity for the pastdecades, which results from the following reasons. In the first place, the governmenthas always been attaching great importance to English. Since the mid 1990s, Englishhas been made as one of the compulsory subjects in China’s college entranceexamination, as well as two other subjects, namely, Chinese and Mathematics. As acompulsory subject from primary school to postgraduate college, English, indeed,plays a very significant role in China’s Education. In the second place, with China’sgrowth in both economy and overall national strength, an increasing number ofChinese rush overseas and increasingly more foreigners flush in China to travel, studyor do business. It seems that English is the best choice to act as a communication toolfor people coming from all over the world. In the third place, from the perspective ofstudents themselves, mastering English as a foreign language, to a large extent, meansan entrance ticket to key schools or prestigious universities, or a stepping-stone to adecent job after graduation.
The importance of learning English is so obvious that more and more educators,scholars, and parents have been paying attention to primary school English education,owing to the fact that primary school education serves as the fundamental part or theprime time of a person’s life-long education. In 2001, Reform Outline of CompulsoryEducation Curriculum was issued by Ministry of Education which requires thatEnglish education should commence as early as in Grade Three at primary schoolsand primary school students should have a minimum number of four English classeseach week. Parents, in the mentality not to make their children lose at the starting lineof their lives, steer their little kids towards a secure future by eagerly sending them toa variety of English training centers, perhaps ‘Best Study Training Center’ being themost popular in Guangzhou. Even the primary school students induce pressure onthemselves. To be on the list of the top students, and to compete for few places keyschools or prestigious universities can offer, they study more and play less becausethey are afraid that they can not have an edge over their counterparts in thecompulsory English course.As a consequence, the strong social needs urge an efficient teaching model toimprove the current teaching situation of primary school Engl论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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