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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-02-23编辑:lgg点击率:4631

论文字数:38569论文编号:org201602200905125953语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:小学英语教学论文THRASS 拼读教学项目语音意识读写能力

摘要:本文是小学英语教学论文,本研究初步证明 THRASS 作为系统完备的拼读教学项目适用于 EFL 少年学习者,相比常规拼读教学,其对学生帮助更大,另外发现实验组学生的学习兴趣和自信心增强更多。


1.1 Background of the Research
Phonics teaches children the rules to decode single word for reading in texts, andto make correct spelling choices for spelling. It has been widely agreed a reciprocalrelationship exists between phonics and literacy achievements (reading, writing andspelling). Most children in elementary schools meet the challenges in reading andspelling in their English learning, especially when they have difficulty in phonemicawareness (eg., segmentation of words into individual sounds). Students who arestruggling with literacy, the transitional stage into secondary school can beadditionally stressful. In other words, to build good foundation for reading and writingis crucial to EFL learners. Fortunately, phonics can help to stop struggling and toachieve the accuracy and efficiency in reading and spelling. Typically, for EFLlearners, if phonological awareness skills and literacy skills in English learning arevery accelerated, their underachievement can be eliminated earlier and they will bevery motivated.The New English Curriculum Standard (2011) brings a new revolution for theEnglish teaching ideas, methods, content and other aspects in China. Particularly, theCurriculum advocates phonics as a means for teaching children to read and write.With regard to its phonological skills and early literacy skills, students are required tobe able to name and write the 26 letters and be able to use basic phonics rules in theirbeginning reading and writing. Presently, teachers in elementary schools do applyphonics instruction to teach children reading, writing and spelling. However, thephonics teaching is facing some challenges and difficulties.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
This paper sought to explore the possibility of using a systematic phonics program to teach phonological awareness, reading, and spelling among elementarystudents, then to check its effects and efficiency on their phonological awareness andliteracy skills in contrast with the regular phonics instruction. This study managed toexplore the following points: To what extent does a systematic phonics programinfluence the elementary students’ achievement in their phonological awareness andliteracy skills; and what are the differential effects of a systematic phonics programrelative to the regular phonics instruction for students?While phonics is essential for children have this skill to access and enjoy readingand spelling, more studies investigated the efficacy and effectiveness of variousphonics instructions and programs should be conducted in the future. What’s more, asystematic phonics program will be an effective tool of teaching young EFL childrenthe key foundational skills in their phonological processing and literacy success.However, fewer investigations in China examined a specific systematic phonicsprogram at various instructional levels. Therefore, in this study, the researcheremployed the THRASS program( Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills)from England and Australia to examine whether a systematic and explicit phonicsprogram is particularly effective for a group of Grade 4 children as EFL learners. Thisstudy could provide teachers with an entry level known about systematic phonicsprogram and their instructions, and it could help to guide teachers’ pedagogicaldecision-making for classroom implementation of phonics method as they t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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