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提高小学生思辨力小学英语阅读问题设计思考 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2022-01-02编辑:vicky点击率:2767

论文字数:45622论文编号:org202112141458095208语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44



critical thinking skills into criticalthinking skills. Therefore, this translation method would also be adopted in the thesis.Wen thinks that critical thinking skills is an important part of thinking ability. Shedefines critical thinking skills as: students can make purposeful and based evaluationcriteria for problems according to certain standards. (Wen, 2015) Since then, Sun alsodefines the speculative ability from two aspects: “In the emotional attitude level, thespeculative ability refers to: diligent, inquisitive, rational, respect for facts, prudent judgment, fair evaluation, sensitive to inquiry, persistent pursuit of truth. At the levelof cognitive skills, critical thinking skills refers to the ability to elaborate, analyze,evaluate, reason and explain elements such as evidence, concept, method, standardand Beijing.” (Sun, 2019) It emphasizes that students should have the desire forknowledge, firmly pursue the belief of truth, and maintain a rigorous attitude towardsproblems; they should be able to carry out a series of logical processing on problems.Based on the above definition of critical thinking skills, this study believes thatcritical thinking skills is the ability of a thinker to find, analyze, evaluate and solveindependent problems.

2.2The review of question design

While during the process of ELT of primary school, teachers combine the specificreading content, from the perspective of training students’ thinking and cultivatingstudents’ ability, design different types of problems to promote students’ thinking inreading. In the process of exploring the answers to questions, the training objectivesof English reading can be realized and the reading learning effect can be optimized.

2.2.1 The definition of question

What is a “question”? For classroom teaching, the question is “a tool to bridge thegap between the content you propose and the pupils’ understanding of the content”(Borridge, 2002), and the question is “a tool to stimulate pupils’ thinking and actionbased on the materials you organize”. (Borridge,2002)

The process of learning is the process of ending a series of problems.Teachers design problems to lead learning methods to ensure the systematic andeffective learning, and to develop pupils’ thinking level and ability. Therefore, in thedefinition of question design, Wang (2011) points out that question design is aconscious design of the content of classroom questions according to the specificteaching content, class type and pupils’ situation in the pre class teaching design. Lan(2013) thinks that problem design is a classroom teaching mode in which teachersasks questions about the contents of reading problems, and pupils can discuss andsolve problems on their own.

On the basis of reading relevant literature, the author thinks that problemdesign is based on the analysis of the content to be learned, around the teachingobjectives, the key and difficult points of teaching and the presupposition of pupils’classroom performance, and designs all kinds of problems that are driving theclassroom process and enlightening the pupils’ thinking. It not only requires teachersto study and prepare in advance according to the curriculum standard, teachingobjectives, pupils’ conditions and other teaching contents in the preparation process,but also requires teachers to explore flexibly according to the learning situation andthe temp论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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