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纽马克翻译理论视角下的Neural Machine Translation(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-02-05编辑:vicky点击率:699

论文字数:52452论文编号:org202301251259047499语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



network and neural machine translation, the translator first searches online based on the keyword search method. Finally, after careful browsing and comparison, the author establishes several scientific texts both in Chinese and English, which deepens the author’s comprehension of the NMT operation mechanism and the specialized terms. 


Chapter Three Newmark’s Translation Theory and Related Studies ......................... 10

3.1 Overview of Newmark’s Translation Theory.............................. 10

3.2 Related Studies ......................11

Chapter Four Case Analysis ........................... 15

4.1 Translation at Lexical Level .............................. 15

4.1.1 Technical Terms ............................ 15

4.1.2 Proper Nouns .................................... 22

Chapter Five Conclusion .................. 39

5.1 Major Findings ..................................... 39

5.2 Limitations and Suggestions ........................... 40

Chapter Four Case Analysis

4.1 Translation at Lexical Level

When doing the actual EST translation, the translator shall give prior attention to the word translation as word performs as the basic unit of sentences. As a highly specialized text, the source text of this practice is characterized by mass technical terms and proper nouns, requiring accurate, precise and professional translation via scrupulous and authoritative search and verification. Just as Newmark’s semantic translation strategy defines, translators ought to present the faithful meaning of the source text while complying with the semantic and syntactic structures of the target language (Newmark, 2001:39). Therefore, in this section, primarily deferring to semantic translation, the author employs literal translation, transcription, amplification, transliteration and zero translation to overcome translation difficulties of technical terms and proper nouns, thus guaranteeing a faithful, professional and intelligible target text. 

4.1.1 Technical Terms

Technical terms refer to a large number of specialized words in any text related to the field of science and technology. Newmark (2001) points out that terminology is one of the pivotal parts of EST translation. As a typical informative text, there are abundant technical terms related to the NMT field in the selected material Neural Machine Translation (Chapter 8 and Chapter 9), requiring cross-check including searches on CNKI Dictionary, One Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary of the English Language as well as Google Scholar. On account of the recognition degree, the author classifies the technical terms listed in Appendix II into low-context terminology and high-context terminology. Hence, in this subsection, the two types of technical terms are discussed and expounded respectively, using literal translation, transcription and selection of word meaning for the exact meaning delivery. 


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

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