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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-09-05编辑:vicky点击率:568

论文字数:48565论文编号:org202308281506264771语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background and Motivations


Crucial to the VLL is a reconstruction of the basic notion of“social discourselandscape”and its“multimodal cognitive mode”that draws on a detailed analysis ofVLL and its cognitive operation.

The most serious problem of such“social discourse landscape”analysis is that ithas been deprived of effective methodologies for approaching and interpreting visualartefacts.It is unclear to select what“units”of the analysis and how these units cancombine.This is the main background of this study.

As for the macro-level motivation of the DDC model in VLL is to illustrate theunits as:superficial and deep categorizations,digitalized(virtual)+real layout,digitalized(virtual)+real color,digitalized(virtual)+real time and space,integratedinto a deliberate metaphor and metonymy operation model by mediation of culturalfactors.

The DDC model in VLL comes from several problems brought about bydigitalization:

(1)The traditional frameworks used in traditional linguistic landscape,discourse analysis and discourse cognition,which cannot be fully applied tointerpreting our novel VLL in this thesis.Therefore,it is necessary to integratemultidisciplinary theories to create a new analytical framework and cognitivemechanism towards the VLL.

(2)The reading,analysis and cognition of VLL,especially its verbal+visuallayouts are likely to be modified by digitalized technology with the commonlyrecognized cultural factors as the cognitive parameters both in landscape design andlandscape cognition,resulting in different degrees of social and cognitive changes.Therefore,VLL is taken as a chance to start the multidisciplinary integration tocreate a novel reading and cognitive mode.

1.2 Research Objects and Objectives

As for the research objects:The main research object is the detailed illustrationof DDC used in VLL,simultaneously exploring the interactive way of multimodalDDC in virtual linguistic landscape.As we all know,for the purpose ofdemonstrating social culture,social identity,values and ideologies,languagepractices and so on,cyberspace appears to the public’s life as a newly born channelto realize the one-to-many or many-to-many communications with others.Therefore,the linguistic landscape in cyberspace,or on the Internet,is often called a virtuallinguistic landscape.Previous research on linguistic landscape uses the mosthigh-cited definition proposed by Landry and Bourhis in 1997,which affectslinguistic landscape researchers divide the research objects into different linguisticlandscape items,for instance,road signs,advertising billboards,posters,commercialshop signs,etc.To a large degree,previous research objects are limited in researchpublic space,which is physical public space.Detailed explaining is that researchobjects are mainly constrained in the physical space,seldom reckoned objects in thevirtual space as research objects.Based on this,this thesis takes virtual space as research public space to collect research data and materials.

In terms of ecological concept,VLL refers to a collection of symbolic elements,such 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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