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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-12-27编辑:vicky点击率:580

论文字数:论文编号:org202312221314209612语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





1.1 Background

In both cases,there has been Industrial development in Bangladesh schematicinterference inside and outside;actually,there is a lot more to it than inside.TheCharacteristic of this national development is apparently prominent low-level economicdevelopment and widespread in the country Industries in development ground.Bangladeshwas once dependent on agriculture,and key development of the country meant most of theincome from the agricultural sector.On the inside,Bangladesh has an agrarian economywith a high population density and extensive poverty rates(Alam,1989).As aconsequence of overpopulation,agricultural production has been disrupted that depletionof cultivable land(Hasan et al.,2017).

Recently,country industrializes is a necessary prerequisite and communal growthfor speedy and sustainable economic development.A process by which a country of built-in industrialization first transforms itself from agriculture to an industry based on theproduction of commodities and services from goods.There is strong linkage betweenindustrialization as it has been observed that countries with rapid growth.An equalattention for its industrial sector were ineffectual low labor costs and these nationalexternal factors,such as the opportunities provided by development through access topreserved markets for the readymade garment industry,automobile industry,chemicalindustry,and all played a role in accelerating enhancement reported by World Bank(2003).The Chinese government has given the highest priority to innovation in economicplanning through various high-end initiatives in current times.Nevertheless,China wantsto use these national dimension have swiftly raised anxiety that industrial policies(Research Service,2019).In particular,Chinese investment in the industrial sector inBangladesh played a role growth of economic development speedily,and Chineseinvestment will transfer advance technology,innovative system as well as research anddevelopment policy from China to Bangladesh.


1.2 Justification

At the time of Bangladesh's independence,some industrial establishments wereinherited,which were left to their Pakistani owners.A vacuum was created by thedeparture of owners and entrepreneurs.In the post-independence period the size of theeconomy of Bangladesh was only$US 8 billion,which is now$US 330 billionsignificantly.At the same times people of Bangladesh dreamed of becoming industrialistsby exploiting the notable industries.At the beginning of the industrialization of a country,workers gradually give up agriculture and leave the villages for high-paying jobs infactories or industries in urban areas.Industrialization is a process that people once didthat happens in countries when they start using modern technology to work.The aforesaidenlargement of Bangladesh has been connected with a number of vital structural changesin the economy.The share of industry improved from 16.5%in 1999 to 2000 to 20.3%in2011 to 2012(Raihan et al.,2017).Currently,the standard output of industry is advancedthan in agriculture,so as employee go out of agriculture into industry as well as increasinghousehold income individually.Mahabubul Alam(2009)mentions that Bangladesh isnecessary t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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