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乔纳森·弗兰岑小说《自由》中的责任伦理探讨 [4]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-08-25编辑:vicky点击率:442

论文字数:28556论文编号:org202308210941489170语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ary roles,they are responsible for householdmanagement and child education.This traditional family model is based on genderand it has been the main family model for a long time throughout human history.However,since the 1960s,under the influence of feminism and multiculturalism,thisstable family model has been in decline.According to statistics,from 1955 to 1985,the proportion of nuclear family in American household fell from 60%to 7%(McCarthy 2).The proportion of non-conventional family models,such as divorce,single-parent households,unmarried cohabit households and homosexual families,kept growing steadily.

Chapter FiveConclusion

The idea of freedom has been a conspicuous role in the formation of Americanspirit.Especially during the period between the late 19th and the early 20th,neoliberal-policy and free-market mode begun to prevail in American society.Thepolicy led to a soaring economic growth and technological innovation.At the sametime,American society has become more individualized.People desperately want to“live for themselves”.(Beck,1995,p.165).The relentless quest for liberty bringsabout the deterioration of humanity's spiritual realm,and the binding power ofcustomary morals on people is gradually weakened.

As the leading moralist in the United States,Franzen sees that the crazy pursuitof freedom by the public has caused moral turmoil in the fields of politics,culture andfamily in the American society,such as the blind worship for money at the cost ofecosystem unbalance,the excessive individual competition for material comforts,andthe collapse of traditional values.However,there is no freedom without responsibility.Driven by material progress,Americans mistake freedom with a lack of personalresponsibility.In a distorted materialistic world,people lack spiritual satisfaction.They get lost in a sense of loneliness,anxiety,confusion and helplessness.In order tofully demonstrate the current state of American society,Franzen focus on amiddle-class family.By narrating the ethical conflicts the family is facing in differentlife stages,he describes these nuclear families in American society as conflicted anddivided.



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