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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-09-23编辑:vicky点击率:559

论文字数:47855论文编号:org202309200929435480语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter One Theoretical Foundation

1.1 Origin and Development of Alienation Theory

Alienation first originated as a Latin word, and in the course of its development over a long period of time, it gradually departed from its original meaning and was endowed with new significance under the development of Hegel, Marx and others. The theory of alienation was initially developed in Hegel’s theoretical system and arrived at another completely new dimension in Marx’s philosophy, Marx believes that the alienation has its origin in socio-economic relations. The physical and mental power of the laborers becomes an activity that belongs to the employer rather than to themselves, which causes the alienation of self.

1.1.1 Origin of Alienation Theory

The word “alienation” is derived from the Latin word “alienatio”. There are two meanings of alienatio in theology and scholastic philosophy. The first is that in silent prayer, man separates his mind from his body and integrates with God; the second is that in the incarnation of the flesh, the Holy Spirit makes God dehumanized by caring about human nature and the estrangement between sinners and God. The theory of alienation came into being in the Middle Ages and in modern western philosophy in the Renaissance. Rousseau deepened the connotation of alienation in his interpretation of the relationship between man and society and between man and nature, thus bringing alienation into the category of German classical philosophy. Rousseau used the concept of “alienation” in the political sphere. In the Social Contract, he shows that if a man can become a slave to a master by transferring his freedom, then all men can become subjects of a king by transferring their freedom. The transfer of freedom, power and wealth is a form of “alienation”. The more people are socialized, the more alienated they become. Friedrich Hegel introduced the word “alienation” into the field of philosophy to explore the individual’s self-consciousness and history of social development. By “alienation”, Hegel means the process by the “finite spirit”, the human self, then confronts its own other being as a separate, distinct, and antithetical thing. He argues that subjectivity and liberty develop through a process in which the self is alienated from the self and then recognizes itself in alienation. The notion of alienation achieved its pinnacle with the publication of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, and it has since evolved into a central concept in explaining the dialectical evolution of nature, society, and history. Hegel reduced all existence to self-consciousness and alienation to the alienation of self-consciousness. 

1.2 Alienation Theory of Erich Fromm

In The Sane Society, Fromm claims: “Instead of experiencing himself as the active bearer of his own power and wealth, man experiences himself as a poor ‘thing’, dependent on forces outside himself to which he projects his own life substance” (Fromm 121). Fromm inherited partial theories from Hegel and Marx, and extended the concept of alienation to the field of psychology. In his view, alienation is a kind of pathological psychology. Compared to the concept of alienation as defined by Hegel and Marx, he believes that his concept of alienation refers to the psycholog论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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