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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-10-29编辑:vicky点击率:377

论文字数:29566论文编号:org202310231145332692语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter I Individual Migration Narrative as the Carrier ofEthnic Memory

1.1 Autobiographical Form as the Carrier of Migration Memory


Dove’s autobiographical writing revolves around her family’s history,especiallyher family’s migration history,which allowed her to find her roots.In Thomas andBeulah,Dove traces her roots through the stories of her grandparents.In an interview,she also said that“I think it is a departure from my other book—rather,I came home.”(Schneider,1989:68)In this work,Dove combs through the stories of family membersand reviews the stories of family members themselves.This kind of story is the storyof the maternal grandparents in the work,they look back positively on theirexperiences,and it is also the main content of the autobiographical text.There arealso non ego stories in the work,and this non ego story is the protagonist’s review ofthe characters around him,which is a supplement and explanation of his own story.

Thomas and Beulah is the protagonist’s review of real life experiences.Thecover of the poetry collection is a photo taken in 1952 by an aunt and uncle from theDove family.The image of two people standing in front of their own home and car isa typical representation of the black middle class’ability to survive,and 1952 alsocoincides with the birth of the poet Rita Dove.Therefore,this collection of poems canbe said to be an autobiography of the Dove’s family.According to the chronology ofevents after the poetry anthology,Thomas was born in Watrace,Tennessee,in 1900,and Beulah was born in Rockmart,Georgia,in 1904.At the same time,this work alsorecalls their childhood,marriage,birth of children,work experience,and other lifeexperiences.However,this 70-year long life experience is based on the history ofAfrican Americans migrating north from the South of the United States.Therefore,the experiences of Thomas and Beulah to some extent represent the experiences ofAfrican American Migrants.They used their own experiences to write personalexperiences that were ignored by official history during the period of GreatMigration.

1.2 Affective Experiences as the Concern of Migration Memory

The spatial displacement brings about by migration causes Thomas to havecomplex emotions towards his native land,or the South,as well as towards the North.As Rowles said,emotions related to places are an indispensable component ofparticipants’geographical experience.Changes in space and time are alwaysaccompanied by specific emotions,such as when people return to places where theyhave experienced important events,and they are filled with different emotions.Aspecific space has a special meaning or emotion for a specific person,such as in achildhood home,which is often a harbor for one’s soul.In homes where we were born,we feel safer than on the road.So,throughout their entire life,the strong emotions ofThomas and Beulah have been with them.This memory of emotions has also becomeone of Dove’s goals in writing history.By displaying the strong emotional memory ofthe protagonist,the poet digs out unknown stories buried deep in history.

For one thing,Thomas’memories of the South and his yearning for theAmerican Dream in the North have always been the source of his strong emotions,and the contradictory emotions brou论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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