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近代中国俗语的直译与意译-Literal Translation and Free Translation of Modern Chinese Idioms [4]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-05-07编辑:caribany点击率:12238

论文字数:4764论文编号:org201405061454446632语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:近代中国俗语直译与意译Modern Chinese IdiomsLiteral TranslationFree Translation


3. xiehou yu
   Xiehou Yu is a special form of language which is widely circulated among the masses, and the language feature is vivid and witty humor. It generally has two components, the former is vivid metaphor, and the after is the explanations of the former. In Chinese, we often have to deal with Xiehou Yu whatever literary or oral languages. And in idioms translation, Xiehou Yu is also a very important part. 
  For example:
  白骨精骗唐僧——一计不成又生一计 the White Bone Demon deceiving Monk Tang——when one scheme failed, she turned to another (程永生,2005,29)
   On his way to the west to obtain Buddhist scriptures, Xuanzhuang, a famous monk of Tang Dynasty, met the White Bone Demon, who thought out one scheme after another to deceiving the monk so that she could eat the monk and then would prolong her life forever. However, this is the story contained in the fiction entitled Journey to the West。If the reader doesn’t know the story, he will not understand the meaning, so literal translation is used here to gain more information about the text. Here is another example: 像热锅上的蚂蚁——走投无路 like ants in a hot pot, they find nowhere to escape. Here literal translation is used to describe the plight of ants.

4. Phrases
   The phrase is a language which is commonly used succinct and implicit in oral language, the phrase is more stably than common words and more flexible than four words phrases. What is more, it is more subtle and active than the written language. Phrases are more often used in people's daily oral language, it appears in novels, movies, television programs and the dialogue of drama. It also appears in other places such as prose and the discussion in the text. Thus, both the interpreters and written translations will encounter phrase translation.
For example:
the strength of nine bulls and two tigers
     The literal translation show the real lives of the masses. If translate the above 九牛二虎之力 into tremendous effort, the meaning is not wrong, but it is not give a intuitionist impression to readers. On the contrary, look at the free translation:
whisper in one’s ear
     if translate 咬耳朵 into bite ears, reader may think that some one bite another one’s ears, it is an action, however, the original meaning is to show some said to another in a low voice, it is completely another meaning between literal translation and free translation. Here are some more example about this: 
the uninitiated or a layman (a man outside the gate)
spreading of hearsay information or bush telegraph (a small broadcast station)
   All the examples above are used free translation to express the real meaning of the text, the brackets are translated literally, they are wrong meaning of the sentence.

V how can people use literal translation and free translation in modern Chinese idioms  近代中国俗语中人们怎么使用直译和意译

   The issue of whether to translate literally or freely has existed at the very beginning of translation but they are still controversial today. Usually, literal translation and free translation take word-keeping and motion-expressing as their priorities respectively. And, either of them has defects. Literal translation wants to keep every previous word. It seems formal and always with 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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