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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2022-11-19编辑:vicky点击率:822

论文字数:52422论文编号:org202211071927439808语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 22




Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Background of the Task

In modern society, out of school care has become a hot topic among parents. Some families with relatively superior conditions have the idea of sending their children abroad. However, they have no overseas life experience, coupled with the lack of relevant materials and limited foreign language ability, and these parents have no way to thoroughly understand the basic situation of overseas out of school care. Therefore, one of them, a client asked his friend living in Scotland to send back a local document called Out of School Care in Scotland Draft Framework 2019, and then entrusted Sichuan Zhuanyi translation company Ltd. to translate it, so as to help the parents better understand the situation of out of school care in Scotland. The translation company assigned the author to translate partial contents of the document.


This translation report is from Out of school care in Scotland Draft Framework 2019 published by the Scottish Government in 2019. It consists of six chapters which is quite long. Due to the lack of research literature on out of school care in China, this document has high translation value. The translation task includes the “background”, “vision” and “people's views on out of school care”, which are also the core contents of this document. The translation period is two weeks and the translation has been reviewed by Sichuan Zhuanyi translation company and submitted to the client within the specified time. 

1.2 Problems Encountered in the Task

The first problem is understanding, which mainly refers to the language understanding. Language understanding mainly includes three aspects. First, ignoring the context is easy to cause deviation in the understanding of words. The main reason for the problem is that sometimes the author is not really familiar with the source text and cannot fully mobilize the known information. The second is the process of long and complex sentences. As the source text belongs to governmental reports, the frequency of using long and complex sentences is very high, which needs repeated consideration. Correct translation of proper nouns and terms is also crucial when the author deals with long and complex sentences. Finally, in the process of expressing the source text in the target language, the biggest problem is semantic fracture, which means lacking logical concatenation and cannot smoothly express the semantic connection of sentences in the source text. Therefore, how to complete the transformation of logical thinking in the process of translation is also the main problem of the task. 

The second problem is expression, which includes fossilization of the target language and poor cohesion between sentences. The author needs to carefully consider how to express smoothly after correctly understanding the source text, and how to correct the wrong expressions due to erroneous understanding. In addition, the characteristics of governmental documents require the author to pay attention to the logical relations of sentences in the source text, so as to achieve the purpose of information transmission.

Chapter II Translation Process 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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